Configure Opti ID for CMS (SaaS)

  • Updated

Opti ID provides multiple options for managing user identity and permissions so that you can choose the best fit for your organization.

  1. Local login – Invited users set up Opti ID-specific accounts. You manage user identity and permissions within Opti ID.
  2. SSO without SCIM – Invited users log in to Opti ID through an Opti ID single sign-on (SSO) app that you add to your identity provider's (IdP's) app portal. See Overview of configuring your own SSO for Opti ID. You manage user permissions within Opti ID.
  3. SSO with SCIM – Manage user identity and permissions within your IdP and automate the information between your IdP and Opti ID. See Overview of SCIM provisioning for Opti ID.
Opti ID lets you configure up to five SSO connections for your organization.

Skip to the corresponding section for the configuration you want to implement.

Configuration options

Option 1: Configure local login

Local login sets up Opti ID-specific accounts for invited users. You manage user identity and permissions within Opti ID.

  1. Complete the initial technical contact login. This is the person who logs into Opti ID first and configures it for the rest of your organization. Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) if you do not know who the technical contact is. You can change the technical contact later.
  2. (Optional) Brand your login page.
  3. Review the local user password policy and how to reset your password.
  4. (Optional) Configure multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  5. Enable Opti ID for CMS (SaaS).
  6. Review the system roles for your Optimizely products. If you want to personalize permission levels, create custom roles.
  7. Create groups to simplify the process of giving multiple users the same level of access.
  8. Invite users, assigning them to roles or groups so that they have the appropriate access to your CMS instance.

Option 2: Configure SSO without SCIM

SSO without SCIM lets invited users log in to Opti ID through an Opti ID SSO app that you add to your IdP's app portal. You manage user permissions within Opti ID.

  1. Complete the initial technical contact login. This is the person who logs into Opti ID first and configures it for the rest of your organization. Contact your CSM if you do not know who the technical contact is. You can change the technical contact later.
  2. (Optional) Brand your login page.
  3. Configure SSO. You can configure up to five SSO connections if needed. Opti ID supports Entra ID, Okta, and PingOne.
    1. Configure the SAML or OIDC SSO connection in your IdP.
    2. (Optional) Sync groups from your IdP to Opti ID.
    3. (Optional) Configure organizational domains to automatically provision users who log in with a specific domain.
    4. (Optional) Enable IdP-initiated login for a more seamless login experience.
  4. Enable Opti ID for CMS (SaaS).
  5. Review the system roles for your Optimizely products. If you want to personalize permission levels, create custom roles.
  6. Create groups to simplify the process of giving multiple users the same level of access.
  7. Invite users, assigning them to roles or groups so that they have the necessary access to your CMS instance.

Option 3: Configure SSO with SCIM

SSO with SCIM lets you manage user identity and permissions within your IdP and automate the information between your IdP and Opti ID.

  1. Complete the initial technical contact login. This is the person who logs into Opti ID first and configures it for the rest of your organization. Contact your CSM if you do not know who the technical contact is. You can change the technical contact later.
  2. (Optional) Brand your login page.
  3. Configure SSO. You can configure up to five SSO connections if needed. Opti ID supports Entra ID, Okta, and PingOne.
    1. Configure the SAML or OIDC SSO connection in your IdP.
    2. (Optional) Enable IdP-initiated login for a more seamless login experience.
  4. Configure SCIM in your IdP.
  5. Enable Opti ID for CMS (SaaS).
  6. Review the system roles for your Optimizely products. If you want to personalize permission levels, create custom roles.
  7. Create groups in your SCIM app to simplify the process of giving multiple users the same level of access.
  8. Add users to your SCIM app, assigning them to roles or groups so that they have the necessary access to your CMS instance.

Enable Opti ID for CMS (SaaS)

Complete this section at the designated step in your chosen Opti ID configuration (for example, step 4 of option 2).

  1. Log into the Opti ID Admin Center.
  2. Go to Product Access > Products > Optimizely Content Management System.
  3. Select the CMS instance for which you want to enable Opti ID.
  4. Go to the Details tab and click Edit.
  5. Select Opti ID Enabled and click Save.
  6. Continue to the next step for your chosen configuration option.
Checking Opti ID Enabled prepares your CMS (SaaS) environment but does not impact existing authentication on the site. You cannot undo this, so ensure you are ready to move forward. It can take up to an hour before Opti ID is fully provisioned.