How Optimizely Experimentation encrypts customer data at rest

  • Updated
  • Optimizely Web Experimentation
  • Optimizely Personalization
  • Optimizely Performance Edge

Optimizely Experimentation and Optimizely Personalization encrypt most product data at rest to help reduce customer exposure to data breaches. This provides an extra layer of protection for much of your stored data.

However, some data sent to the backend systems, such as Optimizely's CRM and analytics platforms, is not encrypted at rest. For example, analytics data about collaborators’ product usage and about the performance of the Optimizely Web Experimentation JavaScript client are not encrypted.

This article describes Optimizely's encryption at rest practices for subprocessors. If you need more information, contact your Customer Success Manager.


  • Product data is data submitted to Optimizely, such as experiment definitions and collaborator contact information.

  • Collaborator analytics data is analytics data collected about collaborators' product usage.

  • Performance analytics data is limited performance data, such as latency, collected about the Web Experimentation and Personalization client.

  • Visitor data is data about the characteristics and activities of site visitors collected by Optimizely.

Data stores encrypted at rest

Subprocessor Product data Visitor data Collaborator analytics data Performance analytics data
Amazon Web Services  
Castle Intelligence      
Heroku (a Salesforce company)      

Data stores not encrypted at rest

Subprocessor Product data Visitor data Collaborator analytics data Performance analytics data
SendGrid   Sendgrid processes customer data only to send emails to collaborators and track email analytics. It does not store data for more than 30 days.  
New Relic      