Cookies and localStorage in snippets

  • Updated
  • Optimizely Web Experimentation
  • Optimizely Personalization
  • Optimizely Performance Edge

You can uniquely identify visitors, track their actions, and deliver consistent experiences across page loads with persistent visitor-level cookies and localStorage. Each cookie Optimizely Experimentation sets stores a different set of data. See Intelligent Tracking Prevention and Optimizely Web Experimentation for information.

Do not directly reference the cookies and localStorage keys in code, as the specific data format and the cookies may change over time and break your experiences. Instead, use the JavaScript API for Optimizely Web Experimentation.

If your Optimizely Experimentation account uses custom snippets, you might see multiple snippets listed for your projects. See Custom snippets in Optimizely Web Experimentation for information. 

Beginning with iOS 12.2 and Safari 12.1 on macOS High Sierra and Mojave, Intelligent Tracking Protection 2.1 is the default behavior. Cookies set on the client side with JavaScript using document.cookie can last for a maximum of seven days.


The Optimizely Web Experimentation's JavaScript snippet uses cookies to store some data in visitors' browsers. These are first-party cookies.

When developing experiences on your site, use the JavaScript API.

Do not reference the cookies and localStorage keys directly, as they may change anytime.

If Optimizely is implemented within a third-party frame (a frame or iframe whose domain differs from the domain of the page), the cookies that it needs to read and write are considered third-party cookies.

Browsers like Safari and Firefox are likely to reject these cookies. Starting with Chrome 80, however, they are still supported, but only if they explicitly include the Secure; SameSite=None directives. For information, see the Chromium Blog.

You can configure the Optimizely Web Experimentation snippet to set its cookies with these directives. File a Support ticket to enable this setting if you run experiments within a third-party frame.

The following are descriptions of the cookies that Optimizely Experimentation sets:


  • What – Stores a visitor's unique Optimizely Experimentation identifier. It is a combination of a timestamp and a random number. No other information about you or your visitors is stored inside.

  • Example value – "oeu1383080393924r0.5047421827912331".

  • Expiration – Six months from the last page visit or a period of your choice (using the setCookieExpiration and extendCookieLifetime APIs).


  • What –After Optimizely Experimentation has executed a redirect experiment, it stores various data from the original page so that Optimizely Experimentation still has access to it on the new page.
  • Expiration – Five seconds.


  • What – When Optimizely Experimentation loads a URL, the snippet places the cookie to get the current domain for determining whether cross-domain syncing is possible. If successful, the cookie is immediately removed. 
  • Expiration – Six months, but the cookie is removed by Optimizely Experimentation immediately after the set action is successful.


  • What – Stores a boolean indicating whether the visitor has opted out of participating in Optimizely Experimentation powered experimentation. A visitor can opt-out by using the opt-out tool. See Data Subject Rights – Third Party End Users for information. An Optimizely Experimentation customer can set this cookie's value through the snippet's optOut API call.
  • Example values – "true", "false".
  • Expiration – Ten years from using the opt-out tool or snippet's optOut API.

In Optimizely Experimentation, you can use the JavaScript API to set the cookie domain. You can also use the API to set the cookie expiration and enable or disable the extend cookie lifetime function.


Optimizely does not hold a specific stance on classifying the set cookies. These classifications are used by laws and regulations like GDPR, and there are multiple interpretations that have not been fully tested in court yet. Optimizely's goals are to provide flexibility and let you decide how to use the cookies.

There are three basic interpretations:

  1. The cookies are entirely unnecessary – Optimizely is not part of your ecosystem and does not restrict any core functionality. The user must consent to Optimizely cookies. This method often guarantees flickering.
  2. The cookies are unnecessary, but Optimizely can set cookies as long as no analytics are being recorded on the server yet This is usually the compromise between following regulations enough and not guaranteeing flickering. This requires you to use some JavaScript APIs in the snippet to ensure Optimizely does not activate events but caches them locally until the block is removed.
  3. The cookies are necessary – Because Optimizely helps deliver user experiences, it can run without consent.

RUM cookies

For a small percentage of your visitors (less than ten percent), Optimizely Experimentation tries to collect performance and product usage telemetry. Optimizely collects no personal data.

This process is called Real User Monitoring or RUM. Visitors who are sampled for this telemetry data have two cookies on the domain These are session cookies and do not persist on the visitor's device. The domain attribute of these cookies is  The aforementioned set cookie domain API has no effect on these. See Cookie domain for information. 


  • What – Enables sticky sessions. RUM requires sticky sessions. Its value is random data. With CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) requests, some browsers require SameSite=None; Secure to enable stickiness. In this case, Elastic Load Balancing creates a second stickiness cookie, AWSELBCORS, which includes the same information as the original stickiness cookie plus this SameSite attribute. Clients receive both cookies. See AWS load balancer documentation for information.
  • Example value – 
  • Expiration – N/A; it is a session cookie.



Optimizely Web Experimentation and Optimizely Performance Edge store data under the following keys in localStorage.

Keys set by Optimizely Experimentation

The following are keys set by Optimizely Experimentation. {visitorId} is dependent on the visitor ID and stored in the optimizelyEndUserId cookie, and {projectNamespace} can be a project ID or its account ID depending on whether the project is linked. See Custom snippets in Optimizely Web Experimentation for information. 

When developing experiences on your site, you must use the Optimizely Web Experimentation.

Do not reference the cookies and localStorage keys directly, as they may change anytime.

visitorId is a combination of a timestamp and a random number. No other information about you or your visitors is stored inside.

  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$event_queue – Stores event instances that are waiting to be added to the previous ...$$events key.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$events – Stores event instances that describe the visitor's actions on your website.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$layer_states – Stores bucketing decision (variation and holdback assignment) for each layer in Optimizely Web Experimentation and Optimizely Personalization.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$session_state – Tracks the session identifier and timestamp, which helps Optimizely Experimentation identify sessions for analytics purposes.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$variation_map – Records the variation that the visitor sees for each experiment. This lets Optimizely deliver a consistent experience on successive page loads.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$visitor_profile – Stores the visitor's values for various audience conditions. This is important for sticky conditions like Ad Campaign, Source Type, and Referrer, for which the first observed value is important.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$layer_map – Stores bucketing information within mutual exclusion groups.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$tracker_optimizely – Temporarily stores the events that are sent in batches to the Optimizely Experimentation Event API.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$pending_events – Temporarily stores XMLHttpRequest information, enabling the snippet to reliably send requests (for instance, to the Event API) even if the visitor navigates to a new page while a request is in progress.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$${projectNamespace}$$contextual_mab – Stores the CMAB information for every visitor. This lets Optimizely deliver a personalized experience on every session.
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$$events
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$$event_queue
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$$layer_states
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$$session_state
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$$visitor_profile
  • optimizely_data$${visitorId}$$variation_map


Unlike cookie data, localStorage is scoped to a single origin. An origin is a combination of a specific hostname, protocol, and port on your site. Two pages have the same origin if the protocol, port (if one is specified), and host are the same for both pages. See the Same-origin policy in Mozilla documentation. 

This is an example of pages that do not have the same or different origins as

  • – Different security protocol.
  •  – Different subdomains.

The documented localStorage keys are set on every domain that uses Optimizely Experimentation.

For Optimizely to recognize visitors across your pages and deliver consistent experiences, each visitor's data replicates on all of your subdomains by routing it through another origin: https://{yourAccountId} On every page load with a snippet, Optimizely makes an async call to this origin to sync this data. This syncs information across origin and subdomains. See Cross-origin tracking for information. 

When you enable cross-origin tracking, Optimizely sets keys with the domain of the specific origins instead of optimizely_data.

Optimizely Web Experimentation and Optimizely Performance Edge do not combine visitor data from multiple accounts.