Sort product categories

  • Updated

Use Category Product Sorting in Optimizely Configured Commerce to see a comprehensive view of a website's hierarchy and set sort priority for products in each category. If you set sort priority, products are sorted descending by the highest value within a category. If you do not set sort priority, products are ascending alphabetically.

Set product sort priority

  1. Go to Admin Console > Catalog > Category Product Sorting
  2. Select a website from the drop-down list to choose which website to View by Category.


  3. Select the arrow next to a category to view all associated subcategories. Click Expand All to view all nested categories and subcategories. Click Collapse All to collapse the hierarchy.
  4. Select a category or subcategory to view products assigned to it.
  5. Click the Edit icon next to a product to edit the product's sort priority. Products sort descending by highest value within a category. For example, 7 shows first, 6 shows second, 5 shows third, and so on.


  6. Select the checkboxes next to each product to edit multiple products at once, then click the Edit icon in the toolbar.
  7. Rebuild the product search index (Marketing > Indexing > Rebuild Product Index) to see sort priority changes on the website.