
  • Updated

This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Magento 2.

This topic describes how to install the Magento 2 integration, if you are using Magento as e-commerce platform with Optimizely Campaign.

Installing the integration package

To prevent problems and conflicts, first install and test the Magento 2 integration on a test system.

When you have received the integration software package (ZIP archive) from customer support, install it in Magento 2 as described in the following.

  1. Unzip the ZIP archive.
  2. Upload the unpacked folder to the directory app/code/Optivo/Broadmail in your Magento 2 system.
  3. Clear the cache of the Magento 2 system.
  4. Verify the successful upload of Magento 2 integration with the following console command:
     php bin/magento module:status

    If the upload is successful, the Magento 2 integration is displayed in the List of disabled modules.

  5. Use the following console command to activate the Magento 2 integration:
    php bin/magento module:enable Optivo_Broadmail

Installing updates

If you receive an updated version of the integration from customer support, do the following to install the upgrade:

  1. Unzip the ZIP archive.
  2. Upload the unpacked folder to the directory app/code/Optivo/Broadmail in your Magento 2 system.
  3. Use the following console command:
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Uninstalling the integration package

Do the following to uninstall the Magento 2 integration:

  1. Disable the Magento 2 integration by using the following console command:
    php bin/magento module:disable Optivo_Broadmail
  2. Clear the cache with the following console command:
    php bin/magento cache:clean
  3. Delete the Magento 2 integration files.