Campaign report

  • Updated

To view the campaign report, open the Marketing Automation window, select a running or paused campaign, and click Report.

Image: Campaign report

The Marketing Automation campaign report shows in the left overview area the number of successful, active, and failed runs of the campaign as well as the average opening and click rate of the campaign mailings.

At the individual campaign nodes you can also find information about the successful runs Image: Success icon and failed runs Image: Failed icon.

At the Send message action node you can furthermore see opens Image: Opens icon, clicks Image: Clicks icon and the open and click rates Image: Rate icon. For the No restrictions period, you can optionally display the unique opens, clicks and the unique open and click rate by selecting the Show unique KPI values check box.

If you use a Wait node in your campaign, the currently-waiting recipients Image: Wait icon are also displayed.

If a recipient did not receive the message via a Send Message action node (for example, because the recipient is blocked or exceeded the bounce limit), this event appears as an error for the node. You can find information about the recipients of a marketing automation campaign in the recipient history under Marketing Automation history