Get started with users

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Website and console users in Optimizely Configured Commerce help you manage information and security. They contain information for accessing websites and the Admin Console, such as username, profile information, default customer, assigned roles, and assigned websites.

If your organization migrated to Opti ID, you must manage Admin Console users in Opti ID. See the Opti ID user documentation.

Because administrators must manage security and communicate to users in the Admin Console, Configured Commerce has split users into two groups: console users and website users. This gives you more granular control of what users can see and do in the websites and the Admin Console.

You can create user records with the following processes:

Configured Commerce lets users update their user information and settings in the Admin Console, and you can also deactivate users, rather than deleting them, as needed.

User roles

Roles are permissions you assign to users to manage the Admin Console or website functions. You can assign multiple roles to users to give them expanded rights as needed. Not every site will use all roles, and you can create users without assigned roles (null) if you do not require roles for your implementation. You can also change or reset passwords and unlock users.

The Admin Console includes several roles by default; however, you can create additional roles for security or to implement additional or custom functionality.

The following list describes the permissions for each role type. See Role permissions for more details about what each role can do.

Website user roles

  • Unassigned user – Is not technically a role but occurs from removing all roles assigned to a user or a user creating their own account on the storefront. This role has the same permissions as Buyer 3, except for access to Invoice History, Order Approval, and Requisitions.
  • Administrator – Is assigned to the customer administrator. This is usually a senior buyer who manages all other buyers for the organization. The Administrator can configure new buyers, assign ship-tos, manage budgets, and view all orders and invoices for the organization.
  • Buyer3 – Is usually assigned to a senior buyer who has no budget restrictions and does not need to have orders approved. This role can also serve as an approver.
  • Buyer2 – Is usually assigned to an associate buyer. Users with this role can create orders without approval within their specified budget restrictions. Any orders that exceed their budget restrictions must be approved. This role requires an assigned approver.
  • Buyer1 – Is usually assigned to a buyer where all orders must be approved. This role requires an assigned approver.
  • Requisitioner – May only submit requests to purchase products and must have an assigned approver.

Console user roles

  • ISC_Admin – Has administrative access to the Admin Console and can modify application and website settings. This role does not have access to the debugging tools found within the Primary Header. Typically, this role is assigned to the system administrator.
  • ISC_Implementer – Has administrative access to the Admin Console and can modify key implementation and integration settings. Users in this role cannot create or delete websites. This role is usually assigned to Optimizely implementation partners.
  • ISC_User – Has secured access to the Admin Console and can modify customers, users, and orders, among other items. Typically this role would be assigned to customer service representatives, but you could also assign it to merchandisers or marketers.
  • ISC_Integration – Is assigned to the user specified in the WIS, used in the WIS Integration service to connect to the site for running jobs and transferring files.
  • ISC_StoreFrontApi – Controls access to custom properties in the Application Dictionary, including whether they are returned from or editable on the website.

Content Management System (Spire and Classic) user roles

  • ISC_ContentAdmin – Can preview, approve, and publish content and create and modify templates.
  • ISC_ContentApprover – Can preview, approve, and publish content.
  • ISC_ContentEditor – Can add and edit content.
  • ISC_FrontEndDev – Can add, remove, or edit theme-based content, found under the Themes & Content menu in the Admin Console.
  • CMS_ContentDeveloper – Can use advanced features in Spire (when enabled), such as adding or editing CSS fields in widgets and the Code Snippet widget.
  • CMS_ContentEditor – Can manage and edit content in Spire, including adding or editing widgets, creating pages, deleting pages, creating page variants, copying pages, and rearranging pages in the page tree.
  • CMS_Publisher – Can approve and publish content in Spire.
  • CMS_SiteEditor – Has the same abilities as the CMS_ContentEditor and can create, edit, and delete commerce pages and their content.
  • CMS_SystemAdmin – Has the same abilities as CMS_ContentDeveloper, CMS_ContentEditor, CMS_Publisher, and CMS_SiteEditor with the added option to edit the site's global style guide.

Although not a requirement, users with the ISC_ContentApprover should also have the ISC_ContentEditor role. This lets them make minor edits to content before approving the revision.

Custom user roles

You can create custom user roles to meet specific business needs. By default, custom user role permissions include all permissions. You can restrict a custom user role to specific entities in the Permissions tab of the Application Dictionary. See Role-based security for information.