Configure URL redirects

  • Updated


For a list of best practices and cautions; see Redirect URLs.

The URL Redirects module requires configuration of three components: Internet Information Services (IIS), Hosts File/DNS, and the URL Redirects module in the Admin Console. Directions for configuring these components are found below.


To enable the redirection of websites, IIS needs to be configured.

Configure IIS to use the HTML Redirect

  1. Go to the IIS Manager.
  2. Expand the Sites Folder in the left navigation column.

    HTML redirect

  3. Choose the website that will have traffic redirected from it. Right-Click the chosen site and choose Edit Bindings. This will open a new window titled Site Bindings.

    HTML redirect

  4. Click Add. This opens a new window titled Add Site Binding.

    HTML redirect

  5. Choose the type that is applicable for the website.
  6. Enter the new website name in the Host name field.
  7. Click OK.

Hosts File/DNS

For the website binding that was added in IIS to take effect, the Hosts File (on a local machine) or DNS server needs to have the site name used in the site binding added to it. For assistance in this configuration, contact the system administrator.

Admin Console

To enable the redirection of websites, the HTML Redirects module needs to be configured in the Admin Console.

Configure the URL Redirects Module

For a list of best practices and cautions, refer to the HTML overview article.

  1. Go to Admin Console > Administration > System > URL Redirects.
  2. Click Edit for the URL that is to be configured.
  3. In the Old URL Column, enter the URL of the old site that is being redirect
  4. In the New URL Column, enter the URL of the new site where traffic should be redirected.
  5. Click Save.

HTML redirects create a permanent 301 redirect.