Debugging tools

  • Updated

The Optimizely Configured CommerceAdmin Console has a set of tools to assist with a variety of tasks, that is troubleshooting issues, clearing caches, retrieving diagnostic information, and so on. These tools are only accessible to users assigned the role of ISC_System and/or ISC_Implementer.

For users assigned the proper role, Debug is displayed within the primary toolbar of the Admin Console.

Selecting the button displays the following menu options:

Menu Item Description
API Tester This is a simplified testing harness that allows the user to test out the Admin APIs without having to manually establish a token.
Clear Cache This function clears the CMS and setting caches on any web servers in the web server farm. It includes the Memory Cache, Category Menu Cache, Entity Cache, Entity Definition Cache, Catalog Cache, Content Cache and the System Settings Cache.
Clear Local Storage This function clears the local storage and JWT token.
Clear Shared Cache Storage This function clears the shared cache storage from the database. See the Shared Cache Manager article for more information on setting this up.
Content Creators Used to update wishlists when migrating from version 4.3 to 4.4. See the Upgrading Wishlists article for more information.

Diagnostic Information

Select this option to view additional information about your Configured Commerce instance, including Extensions Version and ISC Version.
Enable Master Edit Mode This mode is intended for debugging only and will ignore the Application Dictionary security. It is intended to allow a QA or BA to see all the available fields in on a page. This is necessary as we have intentionally hidden fields that are either rarely used or require customization to implement.
Plugin Information This utility displays all of the current plug-ins loaded along with their lifetime.
Process Email Queue Selecting this option will force a call to the Email Service and process the email queue.
Web Page Converter

This option is typically only used during an upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2 to convert Web Page Contents and Web Pages to Rich Content widgets or Application Messages.