This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Salesforce.
This topic describes how to configure data fields in Salesforce to send contact data of leads or contacts to Optimizely Campaign.
Transferring default data fields
You can use contact data of leads or contacts to personalize mailings and for target group segment in Optimizely Campaign. See Field functions and Target groups.
By default, the following data is sent from Salesforce to Optimizely Campaign:
Field name | Data type | Description |
String | Email address of the contact or lead | |
salesforceid | String | Unique ID for the contact/lead in Salesforce |
sfcampaignid | String | Unique ID of the Salesforce campaign |
entity_type | String | Contains the type of the Lead, Contact, or Personal Account type |
optinname | String | Name of the opt-in |
optintype | String | Media type of the opt-in |
salutation | String | Recipient's salutation |
firstname | String | Recipient's first name |
lastname | String | Recipient's last name |
title | String | Recipient’s title (for example Dr., Prof. and so on) |
mobilephone | String | Recipient's mobile telephone number |
fax | String | Recipient's fax number |
street | String | Recipient’s street and house number from the Lead type |
postalcode | String | Recipient’s postal code from the Lead type |
city | String | Recipient’s place of residence from the Lead type |
state | String | Recipient’s state from the Lead type |
country | String | Recipient’s country from the Lead type |
birthdate | Date | Recipient’s date of birth from the Contact type |
mailingstreet | String | Recipient’s street and house number from the Contact type |
mailingpostalcode | String | Recipient’s postal code from the Contact type |
mailingcity | String | Recipient’s city from the Contact type |
mailingstate | String | Recipient’s state from the Contact type |
mailingcountry | String | Recipient’s country from the Contact type |
Transferring additional fields
In addition to the standard setup, you can transfer other Salesforce data fields to Optimizely Campaign. The Salesforce add-on can directly access linked data sets (Salesforce objects up to the third level). For example, the contact person who manages the contact or lead in your organization, or the name of the department head, in addition to contact or lead data and attributes.
This lets you, for example, customize greetings, so that a contact or lead is greeted by the member in your organization that manages the lead or contact.
To set up the transfer, first configure the additional data fields in Salesforce. Then, contact Optimizely customer support to request the addition of these fields to your recipient lists.
Configuring additional data fields
- Log in to Salesforce CRM.
- Open the Administration (Episerver Campaign) tab.
The Administration (Episerver Campaign) window opens. In the fields area, you can find the data fields that can be transferred to Optimizely Campaign, separated by leads, contacts, and personal accounts. - When data synchronization is enabled, you can disable data synchronization by clicking Stop scheduler next to Scheduler control.
- In the lists on the left under Lead, Contact, or Personal Account, select the data field that you want to transfer to Optimizely Campaign. To select multiple data fields at the same time, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard.
The lists on the left contain Salesforce objects that can be transferred. Lists on the right contain objects that are currently transferred.
- To add one or more data fields, click the right arrows >>.
- Optional: Select a data field and click Up or Down to change the order in which the data fields are transferred.
- Click Save.
Under Resulting field list for Episerver Campaign, the list of data fields that are to be transferred are expanded by the newly-added data fields. If you want to discard your changes and return to the default settings, click Reset to default.
Keep this window open, as it is needed when Requesting additional fields to be added to recipient lists.
Since all Salesforce objects cannot be displayed in the Lead, Contact and Personal Accounts lists at the same time, you can use a filter to hide data fields or data field groups to display other Salesforce objects. If data fields that you want to transfer are missing from the list, you can hide the data field group Owner:
- Be sure to save all changes to the data fields to be transferred.
When you edit and apply the filter, unsaved changes to the data fields are lost. Save any changes prior to editing the filter.
- In the Filter field, add the entry Owner, separated by a comma; do not use spaces.
- Click Apply filter and save. Data fields that start with Owner are now hidden and previously invisible Salesforce objects are displayed.
- Locate the desired field and add it to the data fields to be transferred using the arrow button >>.
Requesting additional fields to be added to recipient lists
- Under Resulting field list for Episerver Campaign, highlight the entire, comma-separated list of data fields to be transferred.
- Copy the highlighted list to the clipboard.
- Insert the copied list into the message text of an email and send to customer support.
- When you receive the confirmation email, click Start scheduler in the Administration (Episerver Campaign) tab to enable automatically data synchronization.
Once data exchange is enabled, the additional data fields are automatically transferred to Optimizely Campaign. You can use the corresponding Salesforce objects to personalize your mailings via field functions.
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