Sending campaign mailings

  • Updated

This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Salesforce.

This topic describes how to send mailings via Optimizely Campaign from your Salesforce CRM. After the mailing is sent, response data (openings, clicks, direct replies, unsubscriptions and outbounces) are automatically imported into Salesforce from Optimizely Campaign.

Response data can not be transferred for campaigns initiated directly in Optimizely Campaign or the activities of Marketing Automation.

These are the steps to send a mailing:

  1. Prepare a Smart Campaign with at least one mailing in Optimizely Campaign.
  2. Create a CRM campaign in Salesforce and add members.
  3. Start the dispatch of the Optimizely Campaign mailing in Salesforce.


Preparing a Smart Campaign in Optimizely Campaign

The Smart Campaign set up requires at least these nodes:

  • Recipients node, to which you assign the Master recipient list of the closed-loop interface. This is set up by the Optimizely customer support, when your client is configured.
  • Wait node, to enable the Wait until import has been finished option.
  • Message node, containing the mailing to be sent.

To configure a Smart Campaign, do the following:

  1. Open the Optimizely Campaign menu and select Campaigns > Smart Campaigns.
  2. In the Campaigns window, click Create….

    Image: Create campaign

  3. Drag the Recipients node from the left action area to the working area on the right.
  4. Select the master recipient list in the Recipient lists drop-down list of the context menu.

    Only use the master recipient list and no other recipient list.

    Image: Select the master recipient list

  5. Drag the Wait node from the left action area to the working area on the right.
  6. In the context menu, enable the option Wait until import has been finished.

    Image: Wait until import has been finished

  7. Drag a message node (Email, SMS, Print) from the left action area to the working area on the right.
  8. Click Edit Content…, select a template and insert your message content into the mailing. Design your Smart Campaigns mailing as usual, using available tools and features. See Edit mailing content.
  9. Click Close.
  10. Connect the campaign nodes.
  11. Click Save and Close, enter a campaign name and click Save.

Do not activate and send the campaign mailing. If you do, you cannot start and send it from Salesforce anymore. If you start and send the mailing from Salesforce later, the mailing is automatically duplicated. You can delete the original in Optimizely Campaign after it is sent.

Creating a CRM campaign and adding members

The CRM campaign in Salesforce controls the Smart Campaign created in Optimizely Campaign. With the CRM campaign, you trigger the mailing dispatch in Optimizely Campaign and transfer the selected contacts and leads (members of the CRM campaign) into the Optimizely Campaign recipient list.

Use the regular features in Salesforce to create a CRM campaign and assign members. The following steps shows an example of how to do this.

  1. Log in to Salesforce CRM.
  2. Click Campaigns.

    Image: Campaigns

  3. Click New.

    Image: New campaign

  4. Enter the desired campaign information and description.

    Image: Enter campaign information

  5. In the Advertisement Consent field, enter the advertising permission that you want to assign to the campaign.

    Image: Advertising permission

  6. In the Episerver Mandator field, select the client in which you have prepared the mailing that is to be sent.(In the example, the client's name is Episerver Campaign).

    Image: Episerver Campaign Client

  7. Click Save.

    Image: Save

  8. In the Campaign Members area, click Add Contacts or Add Leads or Add Person Accounts.

    Image: Add contacts

  9. Select the contacts or leads or personal accounts that you want to add to the campaign.

    Image: Select contacts

  10. Click Next.

    Image: Next

  11. Click Submit.

    Image: Send

    The <Your campaign name> Campaign window opens again. Keep this window open as it is needed in the next step: Starting the mailing dispatch in Salesforce.

Starting the mailing dispatch in Salesforce

  1. In the <Your campaign name> Campaign window, click the downward-pointing triangle on the upper right side and select the Start mailing option.

    Image: Start mailing

  2. In the Episerver Campaign window, check under Opt-In that the correct advertising permission has been selected. Use the drop-down list to change the advertising permission if necessary.

    Image: Check advertising permission

  3. Click Load mailing IDs.

    Image: Load mailing IDs

    The Mailing ID drop-down list loads the mailing ID of the mailings you prepared. For multiple mailings, the IDs for these are loaded.

    Image: Mailing ID drop-down list

  4. For multiple mailings, select the ID for the desired mailing from the Mailing ID drop-down list. To see the mailing IDs, open the Optimizely Campaign menu and select Campaigns > Smart Campaigns. Copy the relevant mailing ID from the ID column of the campaigns overview.

    Image: Mailing ID

  5. Click Start mailing (in Salesforce).The contacts/leads that you added to your CRM campaign as members are transferred to Optimizely Campaign.

    Image: Start mailing

  6. To check the current dispatch status for the mailing, click Back.

    Image: Back

    The <Your campaign name> Campaign window opens.

  7. Check the sending status in the Details tab. A selected check box indicates that the mailing was sent successfully.

    Image: Current dispatch status