Creating mobile versions

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  1. Create a click profile for the mobile version.

    You can also specify a click profile for the mobile version to later evaluate how many recipients clicked it. Create a click profile and select this profile by accessing the Mobile tab of the template's general settings > Click profile drop-down list.

    Landing pages

    Mobile Fusion also automatically creates mobile versions of landing pages and SWYN pages. The mobile versions of landing pages can also be adapted using the settings described here.

  2. Create the desktop version first.

    Before creating a mobile version of a mail, create the desktop version. The default settings for Mobile Fusion were selected for the template kit so that content paragraphs are automatically copied to the mobile version. The sidebar is displayed beneath the main content area; the table of contents is hidden. You can change default settings later.

  3. Hide content that should not appear in the mobile version.

    You can enable individual paragraphs for the mobile version. By default, this option is already active for paragraphs, except for the table of contents. To make your mobile newsletter more compact, remove selected paragraphs from the mobile version by removing the Show in mobile version check mark.

    Do not hide main elements such as the header, footer or editorial, to ensure that the mobile newsletter remains complete.

  4. Create alternative paragraphs for the mobile version.

    Some content paragraphs may not display correctly or as desired in the mobile version, because the images look awkward or the paragraph has too much text. To add these paragraphs to the mobile version, create two variants—one for desktop viewing and one for mobile viewing. Deactivate the unused view in the settings of both paragraphs.

    Only use this option if adjustments to the mobile layout did not result in desired effect. Also, make sure that only one paragraph version appears in the newsletter.

  5. Add paragraphs to be displayed in the mobile version only.

    To send information only to recipients with mobile devices, add a paragraph at the corresponding position and hide this paragraph in the desktop version by clearing the Show in desktop version check box.

    Do not hide important content in the desktop version.

  6. Position the sidebar.

    In the mobile version, the sidebar of a structuring paragraph is displayed above or beneath the main content area for display purposes. This causes the arrangement of elements to shift.

    If you insert a table of contents or the newest messages into the sidebar, display the sidebar above the main area or to hide the table of contents in the mobile version. Test to see whether the content of the mobile version is displayed in the correct order.

    When using multiple structuring paragraphs in a single mail, you can configure this setting separately for every structuring paragraph.

  7. Adjust the paragraph width for the mobile version.

    You can create a multi-column layout by specifying a percentage width for content paragraphs in the mobile version. This setting only takes effect if you adjust the width in two consecutive paragraphs so that you get 100% width. You can use this option to force an image to be displayed next to a specific text.

    Use a paragraph with an image and another paragraph with a text for this purpose. Then, specify 30% width for the image paragraph and 70% width for the text paragraph. Only use this option for short texts and simple images or graphics, as multi-column layouts reduce the visual quality and readability for mobile viewers.

    Tips for optimizing the mobile version

    • Optimize the general settings of the template. You can select spacings, borders, colors and other configurations. Most settings, except the newsletter's width and outer edge, are copied to the mobile version. You can also change the appearance of the mobile version using these settings.
    • Test the newsletter using Outlook. The HTML and mobile preview shows a simulated view of the mail in email programs and on mobile devices. The actual view varies depending on software and hardware. Views provided by Microsoft Outlook 2007 or 2010 are a good indicator for the correct display of the newsletter. If Outlook displays correctly without errors, it is likely that other programs and web mailers also display the mail as intended.
    • Change to the mobile view in editing mode. You can change between the desktop and mobile view by making the editing window in Optimizely Campaign smaller and decreasing the width using the cursor. When the window width is less than 600 pixels, the view changes to the mobile view.
    • The mobile version may not display uniformly in all email applications and can deviate from the preview layout or the testing emails.