Episerver Perform Reporting overview: Site Engagement

  • Updated


Total impressions - total number of page impressions, where recommendations were served

Total clicks - total number of clicks on recommendations

Click through rate - click through rate for recommendations, shown as percentage (sum of clicks divided by sum of impressions)

Click to purchase conversion - conversion rate for recommendations, shown as percentage (sum of purchased recommended products divided by sum of clicks)

User recommendation conversion - number of unique users who purchased a recommendation compared to the number of unique users who viewed a recommendation, shown as percentage


  • Impressions versus click through rates - the bars show the daily total number of page impressions with recommendations, the line shows the daily click through rate for recommendations


Date Impressions Clicks CTR CTP URC
Reporting date Total number of impressions Total number of clicks % of recommendations that were clicked % of purchased recommendations (after having been clicked on) % of unique users who purchased from recommendations versus unique users who saw recommendations