This report shows the ranking of products based on their overall conversion and page views on a site.
- High traffic: product is in the top 30% of page views
- Low traffic: product is in the lower 40% of page views and with the very lowest 10% excluded
- High converting: product is in top 10 of the highest 10% of conversions
- Poor converting: product is in the lowest 10 of the lowest 10% of conversions
Product ref | Title | Page views | Units bought | Conversion % | Revenue per page view | Revenue |
Product code used to identify a product | Title of the product | Total number of page views for this product | Total number of units sold on the site | Conversion rate, shown as percentage (sum of units bought divided by sum of page views) | Revenue generated from each page view of the product | Total revenue generated on site from this product |
Tab 1
- High converting, high traffic - top 10 best converting products on the site from the top 30% of products with most page views
Tab 2
- High converting, low traffic - top 10 best converting products on the site from the 40% of products with the least page views, excluding the 10% of products with the lowest number of page views
Tab 3
- Poor converting, high traffic - top 10 worst converting products on the site from the top 30% of products with most page views
Tab 4
- Poor converting, low traffic - top 10 worst converting products on the site from the 40% of products with the least page views, excluding the 10% of products with the lowest number of page views
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