Ektron Windows Service Error Logging

  • Updated

Below are the steps to enable Ektron Windows Service logging.

8.0 - 8.02SP5

  1. Edit the following file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\EktronWindowsService30\Ektron.ASM.EktronServices30.exe.config.
  2. Change DebugEnabled to 1. 
  3. Open Windows Services.
  4. Stop and start the Ektron Windows Services 3.0.
  5. The log files can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\EktronWindowsService30\log.

8.5 and higher

  1. Edit the following file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\EktronWindowsService40\Ektron.ASM.EktronServices40.exe.config.
  2. Change DebugEnabled to 1.
  3. For 8.5, change DebugLogLevel to 3. For other product versions, change DebugLogLevel to 4. Depending on the issue, you may need to raise the level further to obtain sufficient information. Note this change can increase CPU usage and space used by logging.
  4. Open Windows Services.
  5. Stop and start the Ektron Windows Services 4.0.
  6. The log files can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\EktronWindowsService40\log
  7. Provide the most recent *.winservice file. The errors.log file only contains errors making it less useful.