No CMS Sites found during sync server relationship creation

  • Updated

When attempting to create a sync relationship to another server you encounter the following error:

No viable CMS sites were found on the remote server specified. Please check the remote server and try again. Possible causes include:

  • The remote server could not be found
  • There are no CMS site(s) installed on the remote server.
  • The Ektron Windows Services 4.0 is not running on the remote server.
  • The local and remote server's clocks are not synchronized.

No CMS Sites Found

To begin troubleshooting follow the below steps:

Remote Server could not be found:

- Add a host file entry on your local server to point to the remote server's host name (typically the machine name) and IP Address. Host file location: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

- Is the 8732 port open bidirectionally between both servers? You can check this by opening a command prompt as an admin and performing a telnet command:

telnet machinename 8732

A black screen will appear immediately after entering the command if it worked.

No CMS Sites found:

- Check the following items:

  • Verify that eSync security certificates have been properly generated. 
  • Do the sites on the remote server load in a web browser?
  • Verify wspath values for all of the remote Ektron sites are correct
  • Do the site's show up correctly in the sitedb.config file on the remote server? 

    :\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\EktronWindowsService40

  • Encoded values between the remote sites and Ektron Windows Service config file.
    • Ensure for matching values as well as checking for blank 'add key' values in the Ektron Window Service config file's.

The Ektron Window Services 4.0 is not running:

 - Is the Ektron Window Service started? (KB)

Server Clocks:

Check to ensure that the remote and local server clocks are within 5 minutes of each other, as well as the time zones matching between the two boxes.


If these errors continue to occur Ektron Windows Service logs may help as well.