No Site Details Found during sync

  • Updated

A previously working sync is now saying "No site details found the site..." while performing a sync.

The below steps can also be used for some troubleshooting by support, so these steps may be requested even if the exact error message listed is not being thrown.

'Site Details Not Found' is typically due to the remote site having a modified connectionstrings value compared to what is in the sync relationship information within the database.

  1. Ensure that the destination site is loading properly. If it is not, ensure the application pool is set to use Network Service and give Network Service full control over the site files.  
  2. On the remote server, stop and start the Ektron Windows Service 4.0 service.
  3. Attempt the sync again.
  4. Review the sitedb.config file (found in the EktronWindowService40 folder) and web.config connectionstring of remote site.
  5. If the sitedb.config has incorrect information, follow these steps: 
    1. Back up the file.
    2. Leave just these 3 lines:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
    3. Save the file.
    4. On the server, restart EktronWindowService4.0 service.
  6. After the service restarts, check the sitedb.config file to ensure it has updated properly.
  7. Attempt another sync.
  8. If that fails, manually check the encoded values. Occasionally you will see non-matching encoded values or even completely missing. 
  9. Sync again.