Starting with Ektron 8.70, the sync status window shows the following message: Skipping Forced Load Balance Sync. Files will still be Load Balanced in due course.
Note: This also can occur if your site is using a version of Ektron that precedes 8.70 with an Ektron Window Service version that is 9.0 +. You can find your Ektron Window Service version on your Web server by going to C:\Program Files (x86)\Ektron\EktronWindowsService40\Ektron.ASM.EktronServices40.exe.config and searching for InstallVersion .
In versions of Ektron preceding 8.70, load balancing took place during the sync. In Ektron 8.70 and later, load balancing takes place in the background and not during the sync.
Load balancing in the background improved eSync performance and to made the sync more fault tolerant, therefore this message appears starting with Ektorn 8.70.
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