translation packages not recognizing selected items in 9.2

  • Updated

When creating a translation package within 9.2 the packages may throw a message indicating that items need to be selected even if items are already selected.


This has been found to be a known issue specifically when selecting individual languages and content items into translation packages, although it may happen for other locations. This has been identified as a known issue within the 9.2 series, and our engineering team is actively developing an update to patch this behavior. Bellow is a workaround that could be implemented in the event that the issue is experienced before the update is released.

Within \Workarea\controls\localetaxonomy\assignLocaleTaxonomy.ascx change line of code 16 as follows.
var userChecked = $ektron("input:not([disabled])[name=itemlist][checked=checked]").length > 0;
var userChecked = $ektron("input:not([disabled])[name=itemlist]:checked").length > 0;