Acumatica connectors implementation

  • Updated

As of January 2023, Optimizely allows partners and the implementation community to build ERP connectors to increase the number of ERP connectors and enhancements available to customers. Optimizely continues to offer existing ERP connectors in their current state, and partners have access to the connector code for future enhancements.

The following is a list of suggested tasks to follow and review during the implementation of this connector.

Acumatica preparation

Note that Connectors for Acumatica requires a series of Generic Inquries to be installed in your Acumatica instance. We have provided our package to Acumatica and it can be installed as a customization within Acumatica. See the Acumatica Marketplace page for this:

Turn on the connector

Connector enablement settings are global.

  • Set up the Integration Connection
    • Select the type of APIEndpoint.
    • The API Address should be the URL or IP to the ERP that is accessible from the website for example

      Tenant names for multi-tenant instances can be assigned here, or in the individual integration jobs.

  • The User Name and Password must be entered conforming to the security and user setup in Acumatica.
  • Assign the connection to the generated integration jobs in the Admin Console.

    If the tenant name is not assigned in the API Address above in a multi-tenant instances, they must be assigned as prefixes in the "from" block of these jobs.

  • No WIS setup is required for Acumatica, all jobs are run directly from the web server.
  • Optional: Chain the jobs together. It is a common practice to set up the first job as recurring so that it runs every night and then chains from job to job through the chain of refreshes ending with rebuilding the search index.

    This keeps your jobs from attempting to run concurrently.

  • Enter the parameters for Company and Branch.
  • The Acumatica Company number determines which company the integration will leverage in the ERP.
  • The Acumatica Branch Number represents the branch in Acumatica that we will use for real-time calls for Inventory.
  • The API Version is used to determine what version of the Web Service Endpoints we run our real-time submissions and inquiries against. Currently, 18.200.001 is the only supported version.
  • The "Disable Automatic Updates" flag designates whether or not we send in a flag to Acumatica on Order Submit that the order's pricing should not be re-processed. If utilizing web promotions, we recommend turning this flag on.
  • The Integration Connection that will be used for API and OData calls. Setup of this connection is outlined below.

Business considerations

The following section outlines business considerations for particular Configured Commerce Acumatica integration jobs. Based on how a customer has implemented & configured Acumatica, various jobs may need to be adjusted accordingly.

  • Acumatica 01: Salesperson

    Because the contact information for salespeople is not directly on the salesperson object, we are importing Email and Phone1 from the employee object.

  • Acumatica 06: Pricing

    Note that Pricing Matrix records will be created - pricing will need to be set to use these, as there is no real-time pricing in Acumatica.

  • All Jobs

    None of the default jobs are currently set to pull a timeframe of information. If processing times become large, we recommend modifying the Generic Inquiries within Acumatica to limit the timeframes. Update date/time stamps on the primary object should be used.

Setting up custom jobs

The integration points for Acumatica in Configured Commerce are primarily through Generic Inquiries via OData. Any Generic Inquiry that is created in Acumatica and exposed to the outside world via Odata should be accessible for Configured Commerce to integrate with. Simply add the columns in the Odata query as the "select" statement and the query data as the "from" statement. Then select your field mappings.