IFS Aurena (Cloud) connector implementaton

  • Updated

As of January 2023, Optimizely allows partners and the implementation community to build ERP connectors to increase the number of ERP connectors and enhancements available to customers. Optimizely continues to offer existing ERP connectors in their current state, and partners have access to the connector code for future enhancements.

This article provides a list of suggested tasks to follow and review when implementing this connector. 

Turn on the connector 

Connector enablement settings are global. 

  1. Enable the setting for “Enable IFS Aurena Integration” 
  2. Select the IFS Aurena Version (This should be Version 10, Update 6+). 
  3. Add the “IFS Aurena Company” ID. 
  4. Add the “Default Site” ID. 
  5. Set up the Integration Connection for API endpoints – this will be used for API refreshes and real-time calls. 
    • Select the type of APIEndpoint, APIROPCEndpoint, or APIClienCredentialsEndpoint, depending on your IFS configuration.  All of the following description will assume you are using the APIROPCEndpoint type. Other types will have less information. 
    • The API Address should be the URL to the base domain that is accessible from the website (for example https://subdomain.ifs.cloud:48080/) 
    • The Token Endpoint will be where the calls are made to for retrieving a bearer token. 
    • Some instances of Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) may require the Resource. This will populate a Resource in the OAuth call. 
    • The Client ID and Client Password are the credentials from IFS for accessing the API. 
    • The Token User Name and Token Password are the credentials for retrieving the authorization token from the token endpoint. 
  6. Assign the connection to the generated integration jobs in the Admin Console. 
    • Optional: Chain the jobs together. It is a common practice to set up the first job as recurring so that it runs every night and then chains from job to job through the chain of refreshes ending with rebuilding the search index. This keeps your jobs from attempting to run concurrently. 

Business considerations 

The following section outlines business considerations for particular Configured Commerce IFS Cloud integration jobs. You may need to adjust some jobs based on how a customer has implemented and configured IFS Cloud. 

All Integration Jobs 

  • Note that each job will retrieve from the endpoint found in the “From Clause” in the integration job and will append any other OData instructions in the “Where Clause.”  You can modify these to change the data coming from the ERP. 

IFS Aurena 02: Product 

  • Determine if filters are needed, other than contract. 
  • The default job only filters on a Contract ID.  You can choose other flags to determine what products should populate on the Ecommerce site. 

IFS Aurena 03: Customers 

  • This job assumes that the AddressID 01 records are the bill-tos.  If this is not the case for your implementation, you may need to modify the job to support this. 

IFS Aurena 04: Order History 

  • This job, by default, retrieves unlimited data.  Update the filtering to retrieve a limited amount of data once the job is set. 

IFS Aurena 05: Invoice History 

  • This job, by default, retrieves unlimited data.  Update the filtering to retrieve a limited amount of data once the job is set. 

IFS Aurena 06: Inventory Refresh 

  • This job is optional if you are planning on utilizing real-time inventory.