APS Payments (legacy) connectors

  • Updated

Optimizely Configured Commerce has an integration with Spreedly, a global payments ecosystem, to give you access to more payment gateway options. When implementing new payment gateways on your Configured Commerce storefront, you must select a payment gateway and a payment method Spreedly supports. The previous payment connectors are no longer supported.

APS Payments (legacy) is a plug-in you can configure to process payments when completing an order on your Optimizely Configured Commerce website.

APS Payments was acquired by Repay in 2019. This connector only supports the legacy option and does not support the new payment gateway from Repay. See Repay's documentation for information.


  1. Go to Admin Console > Settings.
  2. Search for and select Payment Gateway.
  3. Select APS Payments from the Payment Gateway menu.
  4. Populate the following fields with the criteria provided via your APS Payments account.
    Field Name Description
    Security Key The Security Key for your APS Payments merchant account.
    Use Payment Gateway Vault Enables using credit card tokens from the payment gateway that can be submitted to the ERP. This option should only be enabled if the ERP requires the payment card token to process a transaction as opposed to the authorization token. Default value: No.
    Use APS Payments Test Merchant Turning this option on will use the APS Payments Demo Merchant security key. It will not post to your merchant ID and should be used only for integration testing. Default value: Off.

Configured Commerce does not store sensitive credit card or profile information.