Feeding response data to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

  • Updated

This topic is for administrators and developers with administration access rights in Microsoft Dynamics.

This topic describes how to send recipient response data back to Microsoft Dynamics CRM, when integrating this with Optimizely Campaign. By default, the response data is accessed hourly.

The response data includes:

  • Mailing opened
  • Link clicks in the mailing
  • Direct replies to the mailing
  • Unsubscribes (opt-outs)
  • Bounced recipient email addresses

To display unsubscribes (opt outs) and outbounces, the required fields must first be configured. See Configuring the integration.

Unsubscribe (opt out)

When an unsubscribe is registered in Optimizely Campaign, this information is transferred to Microsoft Dynamics. As a result, the lead or contact's advertising consent gets an opt-out entry in the opt-in history. If the most recent entry for an advertising consent according to the time stamp is an opt-out entry, the contact or lead no longer receives a newsletter. Furthermore, with a current opt-out entry, there will be no transmission of recipient data when the marketing list checks for the existence of advertising consent during synchronization.

If the contact or lead has given his advertising consent for more than this newsletter, all other subscriptions remain active.

Image: Campaign opt-in history in Microsoft Dynamics menu

Image: Most recent entry in the opt-in history


The display of outbounces requires the configuration of the field in the form. See Creating consents and linking to client.

If Optimizely Campaign detects that an email is no longer reachable, the outbounce status is changed from No to Yes. This status applies to all advertising consents on the channel and across all clients – regardless of whether the outbounce was registered in every client.

Opens, clicks, and direct replies

When a campaign is run, opens and clicks are imported as replies/campaign responses, and assigned to the campaign in CRM (saved in the campaign). The import differentiates between these response categories:

  • Open
  • Click
  • Reply
  • Autoresponder
  • Unsubscription

Use these categories for further segment in CRM.

Image: Campaign responses in Microsoft Dynamics menu

Image: Campaign responses overview

Opens, clicks and replies are only imported for mailings sent using campaign management. Opens and clicks from a copied marketing list are not returned to the CRM.