The Images and Attachments feature provides an overview of attachments and images saved in the Optimizely Campaign content database, and also lets you edit those files.
To access the overview, open the Optimizely Campaign menu and select Campaigns > Images and Attachments.
You can perform the following actions:
See Adding images and Adding attachments.
- In the overview, click an image or attachment.
- Click Edit…. The Edit Image/Edit Attachment window opens.
- Enter a new file name for the image or a new file name and a description for the attachment.
The name you apply to the file should match the original file, so as not to confuse the mailing recipient.
Do not use uppercase, spaces, umlauts, or special characters, and add the file extension. Otherwise, the attachment does not load correctly. Example: flowers_for_you.pdf.
- If you want to change the file, that is, use another file (by uploading a new file or specifying another URL), click Previous and make the change.
- Click Save.
- In the overview, click an image or attachment.
- Click Delete.
Clear selection
Click Clear selection to deselect the image or attachment.
Click the Images tab to display images, or the Attachments tab to display attachments.
The Images overview displays the following information:
- Name. The file name.
- URL. Where the image is stored. If it is physically uploaded to Optimizely Campaign, the URL is an internal URL (http.// If you selected External URL, the file's original URL is shown.
- Location. Indicates whether the image is stored on Optimizely Campaign (server) or located externally.
- Dimensions. The image's dimensions in pixels.
Select an image in the overview to display an image preview.
The Attachments overview displays the following information:
- Description. The attachment description.
- File Name. The file name.
- URL. If you selected External URL while importing the attachment, the file address appears. If the file was physically imported into Optimizely Campaign, this field is empty.
- Location. Indicates if the file is stored on the Optimizely Campaign (server) or located externally.
Type. The file format (PDF, DOC and so on). This is the original file format as recognized by Optimizely Campaign when the file was added, not the format you applied while naming it.
The type you apply to the file should match the original file, so as not to confuse the mailing recipient.
- Size. The file size in bytes. Use discretion with the file size, so recipients are not annoyed by large attachments.
Adding Images
To add images and use them later as mailing attachment in Optimizely Campaign, do the following:
The image's file format must be .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png.
- Open the Optimizely Campaign menu and select Campaigns > Images and Attachments.
- Open the Images tab and click Add….
- Select one of the following options:
- Upload. Click Browse… and select a file from your computer. The image is still available even if your local version no longer exists.
External URL. In the URL text field, enter the web address where the file can be found, beginning with
. The image is not physically imported into Optimizely Campaign. Mailings include only a link to the image.
- In the File Name text field, enter a name that helps you recognize the image when creating a mailing or in the content overview.
- Click Save.
Adding Attachments
To import files into Optimizely Campaign and use them later as mailing attachment, do the following:
- Open the Optimizely Campaign menu and select Campaigns > Images and Attachments.
- Open the Attachments tab and click Add….
- Select one of the following options:
- Upload. Click Browse… and select the desired file from your computer. The file is available even if your local version no longer exists.
External URL. In the URL text field, enter the web address where the file can be found, beginning with
. The file is not physically imported into Optimizely Campaign. Mailings include only a link to the file.
- In the File Name text field, enter a name that helps you recognize the file when creating a mailing or in the content overview. Maintain the file extension (.pdf or .doc) so recipients recognize the file type.
- In the Description text field, enter a file description.
The description is used internally and is not part of the mailing.
- Click Save.
Sending personalized attachments
The Personalized attachments feature lets you include attachments to particular recipients when sending transactional mails. For example, you can send invoices or order confirmations.
Before sending, transmit the attachments to Optimizely Campaign via HTTP API or REST API.
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