In the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS), the page tree structure is located in edit view under Pages. The root page is at the top of the structure, usually with one or more start pages directly underneath. The structure of the website is made up of pages. By default, the page structure is reflected in the navigation menus. To simplify navigation, limit the submenu structure to a maximum of three levels.
Page tree
By hovering over a page in the tree structure, information about the page displays, such as ID and page type. A set of page tree symbols provides additional information about the structure. Some of these icons are only displayed for the first draft version of a page before any published version exists.
The root page. | |
Start page. | |
Published page. See Work with versions. | |
A page that links to another page on the same website. See Shortcut to page in Optimizely CMS under Shortcut in All properties editing view. | |
A page that links to an external website or a specific address. See Shortcut to page on another website under Shortcut in All properties editing view. | |
A page containing a shortcut that is not linked anywhere; it only displays the text and is used to create a heading with no link in the menu. See No shortcut, display text only under Shortcut in All properties editing view. | |
A page that fetches and displays content from another page on the same website. See Fetch content from page in Optimizely CMS under Shortcut in All properties editing view. | |
The container page used for storing other pages; is not visible on the website. | |
Draft of a new page; not visible on the website yet. See Publish versions of content. | |
A page scheduled for publishing; is not visible on the website yet. See Publish versions of content. | |
The expired page; is not visible on the website anymore. See Publish versions of content. | |
A page that is set to Ready to Publish. See Publish versions of content. | |
A page that is set to Rejected. See Publish versions of content. | |
The page is currently In review and must be reviewed and approved before publication. See Content approvals. | |
Previously published page; not visible on the website anymore. See Publish versions of content. | |
Page locked for editing for the logged-in user. | |
Another user is editing the page. You can see who by hovering your mouse over the icon. | |
Published page. Note: This icon displays for project items, not in the Pages navigation panel. See The projects feature. | |
You do not have the right to publish this item, or the specific item version no longer exists. Note: This icon displays for project items, not in the Pages navigation panel. See The projects feature. |
Move a page
Use drag and drop to move a page, or select Cut in the context menu for the page you want to move and select Paste for the destination page. You can also move pages using the keyboard commands CTRL+X for cut (on Mac: CMD+X), and CTRL+V for paste (on Mac: CMD+V).
Copy a page
Press CTRL (or on Mac: Option) on your keyboard and drag and drop to copy a page, or select Copy in the context menu for the page you want to copy, then select Paste for the destination page. You can also copy pages using the keyboard commands CTRL+C for copy (on Mac: CMD+C), and CTRL+V for paste (on Mac: CMD+V).
Subpages and associated media files in local page folders are copied also, and the links point to the new copy of the page. Settings, such as dynamic properties and categories are copied also with the new page.
When you copy and paste a page under the same node, the Name in URL property of the copied page is typically named Name in URL1, which you need to change after copying.
Remove content
Removed folders, pages, blocks, and media files are moved to trash and are not publicly available on the website. Remember to update any links to removed content. When you remove a page, all underlying pages are removed. See Delete and restore content.
Sort page order in menus
The pages in the tree structure are sorted according to a predefined sort order. By default, the page created most recently is placed at the top of the tree structure, for example, in news listings. Other sorting options exist, such as alphabetically or by sort index. The last option lets you control the sorting through an index defined on each page.
The sort order is set for the parent page of a branch and is inherited by the subpages:
- Select the parent page of the branch in the structure where you want to set the sorting.
- Edit the page and select the Settings tab.
- Select sorting criteria under Sort subpages.
- Publish the page for the changes to take place.
Sort according to the sort index
If you want to control exactly how the pages in the structure are sorted, select the According to sort index option for the parent page. Then give each child page a unique sort index number, and they are sorted in ascending order according to their number, with the lowest number on top.
Change the sort order of pages by dragging the page and dropping it where you want it in the tree structure. Sorting pages with drag and drop is only interesting for branches that are sorted with a sort index.
- If you move a page into a branch that is not sorted according to the sort index, you get prompted to move the page and, at the same time, apply the sort index as sort order for that branch. Confirm with OK. When you drag a page into a new position in a page tree branch, the sort index is automatically recalculated to fit the sort order of that branch.
- If you drop a page under a different parent page (with the sort index set as sort order), the page is first moved, copied, and sorted. The page remains in the tree where it was first dropped.
Sort according to sort index manually
You can set the sort index manually for each child page. Open the page for editing, select the Settings tab, and change the number in the Sort index box. The sort index number must be an integer, but no restrictions exist. Work with whole tens or hundreds to insert additional pages between existing ones in the structure. Publish the page to apply changes to the structure.
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