Vantiv connectors

  • Updated

Optimizely Configured Commerce has an integration with Spreedly, a global payments ecosystem, to give you access to more payment gateway options. When implementing new payment gateways on your Configured Commerce storefront, you must select a payment gateway and a payment method Spreedly supports. The previous payment connectors are no longer supported.

Optimizely Configured Commerce supports the use of Vantiv's payment gateway. This article calls out the required Settings for proper configuration.

Additionally, for self-managed customers, all IP's are required to be whitelisted with Vantiv before the gateway will function properly.


  1. Go to Admin Console > Settings.
  2. Search for and select "Payment Gateway".
  3. Select Vantiv from the Payment Gateway menu.
  4. Populate the fields listed below with the criteria provided via your Vantiv account to configure Vantiv as the payment provider in Configured Commerce.
    Setting Name Description/Value
    Payment Gateway Select Vantiv from the menu
    Connection Username The connection username for the Vantiv account.
    Connection Password The connection password for the Vantiv account.
    Live If Yes, the live URL will be used for transactions and charges will be processed. Set to 'No' to have transactions use the Vantiv sandbox URL for testing. Default value: No
    Live URL The Live URL used for Vantiv transactions.
    Sandbox URL The Sandbox URL for testing Vantiv transactions. Default value:
    Merchant ID Gateway merchant account number.
    Report Group Specific report group name. Default value: Default Report Group

Transaction types

The following transaction types are can be triggered from within Configured Commerce when completing or updating a transaction.

  • Credit
  • Void
  • Capture
  • Authorization
  • Sale

Configured Commerce does not store sensitive credit card or profile information.