Customers abort orders, purchases, and other transactions for many reasons. If a customer places a product in a shopping cart, that usually indicates interest in that product. A targeted campaign can give the customer an incentive to complete the transaction.
In the example below, customers who abort transactions are sent a coupon and recommendations for related items. Web analysis filters out recipients who put a trip/tour in a shopping cart but did not complete the transaction. You can use a web-analysis tool to transfer records of sales/reservation cancellations directly to Optimizely Campaign.
Web-analysis tools let you simultaneously generate suitable recommendations for transaction cancellations, transfer those to Optimizely Campaign, then create a campaign aimed at this grouping. Contact customer support about connecting web-analysis software to your client.
Using categories and target groups, create paragraphs in a mailing that describe trips/tours similar to the canceled one. Send this mailing to those who canceled transactions.
Recipient generated a post click in service "Analytics" with a value of "Mallorca" /"Grand Canary Islands" / "Sardinia" / "Athens" / "Antalya" / in the category"Transaction cancellation".
You must assign a target group to each destination.
The campaign is carried out in two steps, requiring two mailings: a coupon mailing, and a mailing containing recommendations:
- May we recommend
- Book now and redeem your coupon
A separate paragraph is inserted into the mailing for each target group created in the previous step.
The target groups for this campaign are the same used for the cross- and upselling campaign, except that the transaction cancellations category is tracked. Using web-analysis software, the target group looks something like this:
- Addressee generated a post click
- In the service Analytics
- In the transaction cancellation category
- Using the word
- Mallorca
- Gran Canary Islands
- Sardinia
- Athens
- Antalya
- ...
The following steps show how to create a campaign for transaction cancellations.
- Use a Post click node. The Analytics service and the transaction cancellations target group are set as parameters for the node.
- Filter recipients by this node to get recommendations relating to the trip/tour previously considered. Target groupings determine the recommendations in the mailing.
- Set a Wait node to a value of 3 days.
- Set a branch. For each target group, recipients who purchased a trip/tour are filtered out using the has purchased target group created previously. For these recipients, the campaign is concluded.
- Recipients who did not make a purchase get a coupon mailing.
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