Ingest assets with SFTP

  • Updated

This is a paid service and not self-serve or included with onboarding. Contact your Customer Success or Onboarding Engagement Manager for assistance.

Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) uses a secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) to upload assets with the accompanying Excel tagging into an exclusive directory that only you can access after logging in as the user you will create.

Create SSH key pair

Before you create your user, create a Secure Shell (SSH-RSA) key pair (Public and Private). The Public Key must be in OpenSSH format (produced automatically using the terminal).

You can use free programs such as PuttyGen on Windows. If you use PuttyGen, ensure you copy the OpenSSH format.

To create an SSH key pair from a Windows, Mac, or Linux terminal:

  1. Open the command prompt and enter to create an SSH key using the provided email as a label.

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

    This displays the message: Generating public/private RSA key pair.

  2. Press Enter when prompted to Enter a file in which to save the key. It is saved to the save location, which is displayed on the page, and looks something like:
    • Windows – C/Users/[your name]/.ssh/id_rsa
    • Mac – /Users/[your name]/.ssh/id_rsa
    • Linux – /home/[your name]/.ssh/id_rsa
  3. Enter a passphrase. You can leave this blank by pressing Enter twice. Keys are generated and stored in a folder.

Create your user

After you generate an SSH key pair, send the Public Key to your CMP contact and keep the Private Key.

Keep your Private Key secure because it is your access to the SFTP.

CMP creates your user using the Public Key, and you can access the SFTP with the following credentials:

  • Host
  • User name – [your organization name]
  • Port number – 22

You can upload assets through the command-line interface or one of the available client programs, such as WinSCP.

Transfer Files with WinSCP (Windows)


  1. Enter the credentials and leave Password empty.
  2. Click Advanced, select Authentication, and click Browse (...) to upload your Private Key. Click OK.

    You may be prompted to convert your SSH key to PPK format. If this is the case, click OK and continue.


  3. Modify the following settings. Select Tools > Preferences > Transfer > Endurance.


  4. Select Disable to prevent decreases in upload performance and failure of large file uploads. Click OK to save and return to the previous page.
  5. Select Advanced > Transfer Settings Rule. Clear Preserve timestamp to prevent non-critical errors during file transfer.


  6. Click Login. A side-by-side view displays, with the left showing your local storage and the right showing your CMP SFTP. Drag and drop files from the left to the right to upload them to your SFTP.

After you upload, notify your CMP contact to upload your assets following the agreed times.

Transfer Files with OpenSSH (Mac or Linux)

For Linux or Mac users:

  1. Enter the following into a command terminal:
    % sftp -i transfer-key

    Where transfer-key is your private key and sftp_user is your username.

  2. Enter the following command at the sftp> prompt:


  3. Enter the following text on the next line:


  4. Enter the following command at the sftp> prompt to transfer your file:

    put filename.txt

    A message indicates the file transfer is in progress or complete:

    uploading filename.txt to / some-file.txt 100% 127 0.1KB/s 0:00

  5. Notify your CMP contact when completed to upload your assets.