Integrate Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) with your Slack account for an automated feed of notifications.
Receive notifications in Slack and launch into CMP. The integration supports the following notification types:
- Someone shared an asset or folder with you.
- Someone shared a campaign or task with you.
- Someone assigned a step (in a workflow) to you.
- You are @mentioned in Optimizely CMP.
- Your step in a task became active.
To install the app:
- Go to Slack Integration and click Install.
See also Slack Integrations. If asked to login, use the same email address you use for CMP and Slack.
- Click Allow to allow permissions.
Configuring your preferences
You can set preferences for which types of notifications you want to receive in Slack. To do so, go to Home > Notifications in Slack.
For notifications to be eligible for Slack to receive, you must have App notifications enabled in the Assignee Notifications view. The External column highlights eligible notifications.
Each notification type triggers a message for you in Slack each time the action becomes true.
The following notifications are supported.
Direct Share notifications
- Campaign or task shared with you – Notifies you when someone shares a campaign or task with you
- Asset shared with you – Notifies you when someone shares an asset or folder with you
Assignee notifications
- Task: Step assigned to you – Notifies you when someone assigns a step on a task to you or your team
- Task: Step requires action – Notifies you when a step requires your action
- Task: Upcoming step due date – Notifies you when it is 24 hours before your step due date
- Request: Work request assigned to you – Notifies you when someone assigns you to a marketing work request
- Comment: New comment @mentioning you or your team – Notifies you when you are @mentioned in a comment
Some organizations prevent their users from installing apps within Slack. If this is the case, ask your Slack Workspace Admin to approve the app before you can install it. See Manage App Approval in the Slack Help Centre.
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