IE10 and IE11: Ektron Toolbar Edit Button Missing when Editing Page Layouts

  • Updated

Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) or IE11: If you add content to a ContentBlock widget on a page layout and then publish it, subsequent visits to the page do not show the Edit button on the page layout toolbar. You also get the following errors in the IE console (accessible by pressing F12.  Reload the page to show the following errors).  js errors ektron toolbar ie10 v9.1sp1

Move the the following lines from   C:\inetpub\cms91\UX\applications\site\views\app.html to C:\inetpub\cms91\UX\applications\site\js\app.js .  

if ('undefined' !== typeof(Sys) && Sys.WebForms && Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager) { 


Move the lines to after the end of Application.prototype.onOpen = function () { block (line 233) . Paste the lines after the end bracket on line 233. 

NOTE: This is a workaround until a permanent fix can be implemented.