eSync error: Unexpected end of file while parsing Name has occurred

  • Updated

When you try to run an eSync profile, the following error occurs just after the Synchronization initialization phase:

Unexpected end of file while parsing Name has occurred. Line 50, position 9.Synchronization Was Canceled

When you execute an eSync profile, information from all servers in the eSync forest is read and the profile fails if there is a problem reading the data in the ServerInfo85.XML file.

  1. Enable logging in the Ektron Windows Services 4.0 config file
  2. Stop and start the Ektron Windows Service.
  3. Run the eSync profile then after the error occurs, check the log (located in the EktronWindowsService40\log subfolder).
  4. Analyze the log contents by locating the error message then noting which server was involved.
  5. Go to the server in question and perform the following tasks:
    1. Check that the disk has enough free space. You should have at least 2.5 times the site size available as free space in an eSync environment.
    2. Go to the :\sync folder.
    3. Rename the ServerInfo85.XML file to something different, for example, ServerInfo85-suspect.XML.
    4. Stop, then Start the Ektron Windows Service 40.
  6. Return to the source server and re-execute the eSync profile.