When trying to run the Ektron Setup Installer some users report getting the following error:
0x80040707 Description:DLL function call crashed:ISRT._RegQueryKeyValue
The setup then terminates.
Typically, the problem is caused by a missing or invalid path in the Windows registry.
- Reboot the machine and then try again.
- This issue may also be caused by an invalid registry key. Follow the steps below to remove this key:
- Click your Windows Start button, then either click Run or go to the Search box on the Start menu, and type regedit. The registry editor will open.
Back up your Windows registry. - On the left, locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key and click the + sign to expand it. Drill down to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager.
- In the right-hand pane, right-click on the PendingFileRenameOperations key and select Delete.
- Close the Windows registry and attempt the installation process again.
- Click your Windows Start button, then either click Run or go to the Search box on the Start menu, and type regedit. The registry editor will open.
- Try installing through a "clean boot" state. Here's Microsoft's explanation on how to do this:
ISRT._RegQueryKeyValue Clean Boot Discussion
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