When considering an upgrade of an Ektron site from a version of 8.0.2 sp5 or earlier to the latest release of Ektron some considerations should be taken. If further clarification is needed please reach out to support.
The downloads for specific versions of Ektron can be accessed through the Ektron Products Download Page.
When migrating sites across servers, we recommend migrating before upgrading. So, for example, if site is on 8.02 and the site is desired to be on a new server running version 9.2, we would recommend installing the current version on the destination server, if the system can handle it, migrate the files as noted in the How To Perform a Server Migration in Ektron and make sure everything works, then perform the upgrade. That way, it’s much easier to tell if there was an issue caused by the migration to the new server versus the upgrade to the desired version.
Since versions 8.0.x and 7.x required the indexing service to be installed the site will not be able to installed on server 2012 instance. Depending on the operating system that the site is currently installed on an intermittent server running server 2008 may be needed to upgrade to a version before 9.2 sp2 like 8.7 sp2, confirm that the site is working, migrate the 8.7 sp2 version of the site to server 2012, and then upgrade the site to the latest release.
Documentation on upgrading to 9.2
System requirements documentation
To sum up the major changes, coming from 8.0x and older to 9.x for consideration:
>New search functionality, no longer using MS indexing, but rather using your choice of a MS Search Server (on its own server), or open source SOLR:
>Integration of the Aloha editor (comes set as default editor starting with 8.7), with custom Ektron plug ins
>Deprecation of older API, beginning with 8.5 (newer framework API reference page, below, and also older for reference):
Old API reference
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