Web pages intermittently result in status errors such as HTTP 400 or 500 but more details are needed.
Failed Request Tracing can help provide additional information for various web page errors.
The steps below describe how to set up Failed Request Tracing.
Prerequisite: Ensure the Tracing role is added to the Web Server. It is located in Role Services under Web Server, Health and Diagnostics.
Enable Tracing
- Launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
- In the Connections pane, select the desired web site.
- Select the Failed Request Tracing Rules feature then in the Actions pane, click Open Feature.
- Next, click the Edit Site Tracing... link in the Actions pane.
- Add a checkmark to the Enable check box. Note the Directory path then click OK.
Create a Failure Defintion
- With the Failed Request Tracing Rules feature opened, click the Add... link in the Actions pane.
- When the Add Failed Request Tracing Rule wizard appears, select what you would like to trace, for example, All content (*). Click Next.
- When the Define Trace Conditions page appears, enter the conditions to trace, for example, status code 500. Click Next.
- Select the Trace Providers (the default is all providers) then click Finish.
After a period of time during which the errors recurred, go to the directory location, for example, %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles, to access the log files.
Refer to this Microsoft page for more details.
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