Product visibility

  • Updated

Product Visibility in Optimizely Configured Commerce controls if a product can be purchased or configured as view only. Specific customers may be included or excluded from this option by creating a rule or selecting them individually. Selected customers will not be able to purchase a product.


You can set any product to view only. When enabled, you can set rule types for the product and select specific customers to include or exclude from purchasing the product.


Enable view only products

  1. Go to Products in the Admin Console.
  2. Create a new product or click Edit on a product.
  3. Go to the Product Visibility tab.
  4. Toggle View only product to On. The settings for Rules and Customers display.
  5. Click Save.

Once enabled, you can use the following sections to set rules, include customers, or exclude customers.

Set rules

You can set rules for Customer Bill To fields and Customer Ship To fields.

  1. Go to the Product Visibility tab in a product.
  2. Select the Rule Type. The Source Data Table automatically links to Customer.
  3. Select the Source Data Field, such as Address 1 or Postal Code.
  4. Set the Property Value to True or False.
  5. Add another rule or rule group, if desired.
  6. Click Save.

Set specific customers

You can select specific customers to only view the product.

  1. Go to the Product Visibility tab in a product.
  2. Go to Specific CustomersSelect Customers.
  3. Select the customers to include. You can use the search bar or filter the list.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. Click Save.

If a customer has a view only product in their cart, they see a warning message and cannot complete checkout. If a customer goes to the Product Detail page for a view only product, they do not see the Add to Cart button.



Exclude customers

You can exclude customers from the view only product, allowing them to purchase it.

  1. Go to the Product Visibility tab in a product.
  2. Go to Exclude CustomersSelect Customers.
  3. Select the customers to include. You can use the search bar or filter the list.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. Click Save.

Import/export view only products

To import products as view only, you can export products with the database field and re-import them in bulk.

  1. Go to Products > Download.
  2. Select Cant Buy from the database list.
  3. Click Download then Download File when the file is ready.
  4. Set the Cant Buy column to True for the product to be view only.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Go to Products Upload.
  7. Select your file.
  8. Ensure Update Existing Records is turned on.
  9. Click Import.