Integrate Twilio Segment Engage audiences

  • Updated

Connect your Twilio Segment Engage audiences to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) for advanced audience targeting with Optimizely Web Experimentation, Optimizely Feature Experimentation, and Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) visitor groups.

After you complete the setup below, this integration syncs your Twilio Segment Engage audience updates to ODP in near real-time.


  • Twilio Segment account with access to Engage
  • ODP account
  • Optimizely Web Experimentation, Optimizely Feature Experimentation, or CMS 11 or 12 account

Enable the integration

  1. In ODP, go to the App Directory.
  2. Select the Twilio Segment app.
  3. Click Install App.
  4. On the Settings tab, click Generate and copy the token that displays.

Add the token in Twilio Segment

  1. In Twilio Segment, go to Connections > Catalog > Destinations > Destination Actions.
  2. Search for Optimizely Advanced Audience Targeting and select Configure Optimizely Advanced Audience Targeting.
  3. Select your Engage Space as a source. This destination only works when an engage space is configured as a source.
  4. Click Confirm Source.
  5. On the Settings tab, paste your ODP API token from step 4 above into the Api Key field.
  6. Select your Region, toggle Enable Destination to On, and click Save Changes.
  7. On the Mappings tab, click New Mapping, then click Sync Audience.
  8. In the Select mappings section (section 3), configure the user ID you want to send to ODP. This should be the same user ID you use in Optimizely Experimentation.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Toggle the Status to Enabled. This enables the action.

Sync Twilio Segment Engage audiences to ODP

  1. In Twilio Segment, go to Engage > Audiences.
  2. Select the audience you want to sync and click Add Destination.
  3. In the window that displays, click Add destination again.
  4. Search for and select Optimizely Advanced Audience Targeting.
  5. Ensure Send Identify is enabled.
  6. Click Save Settings.

This syncs your Twilio Segment Engage audience to ODP, including all updates to this audience going forward.

To view your Twilio Segment Engage audiences in ODP, go to Customers > Real-Time Segments. Your synced audiences will have Twilio Segment appended to the beginning. For example, Twilio Segment - Audience Name.

For more details on destination and audience settings in Twilio Segment, see Twilio Segment's documentation.

Use your Twilio Segment Engage audiences in other Optimizely products

You must configure the ODP integration with your desired Optimizely product before you can access your Twilio Segment Engage audiences in other Optimizely products.

Access your Twilio Segment Engage audience in Optimizely Experimentation

To access your Twilio Segment Engage audience in Optimizely Web Experimentation or Optimizely Feature Experimentation:

  1. In Optimizely Experimentation, go to the Audiences page.
  2. Edit an audience or click Create New Audience.
  3. Expand Real-Time Segments, then drag and drop the Custom Segments condition into the Audience Conditions section.
  4. Expand the Custom Segments drop-down list and select the audience you connected from Twilio Segment Engage.
  5. Click Save Audience.

Now you can add this audience to an experiment.