Integrate 6sense

  • Updated

Sync your customer data from 6sense to Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) to enrich your customer profiles, reports, and segmentation.

This integration sends your customer email addresses from ODP to 6sense using the 6sense API, and 6sense sends back customer attributes for each matching email address.

Each match counts against your 6sense API credits. Contact your 6sense administrator for help with your API credits and limit.


  • 6sense account with enrichment or identification API credits
  • ODP account

Update API app consent setting

You only need to complete the instructions in this section if your app consent setting for the API channel is set to Opted Out. This setting must be set to Opted In for this app to successfully send data.

  1. Go to Settings > App Consent Settings in ODP.
  2. Set the Api app's Default Consent to Opted In.
  3. Click Update Consent in the confirmation prompt.

Enable the integration

  1. Go to Data Setup > App Directory in ODP.
  2. Select the 6sense app.
  3. Click Install App.

Configure the API connections

On the Settings tab, configure the API connections for the type of customer data you want to sync from 6sense to ODP.

  • Company Identification – Uses the 6sense Company Identification API, which requires company identification API credits. This is a standalone option, and you cannot use it concurrently with company firmographics and people enrichments.

    If you use this option, you must update the ODP JavaScript tag by replacing zaius.event('pageview'); with the following:

    function sixsense_vuid_hash_id() {zaius.event('pageview',

    {"sixsense_vuid_hash_id": window.zaius.VUID}
    if (window.zaius.VUID) {sixsense_vuid_hash_id();}else {window.zaius.onload(sixsense_vuid_hash_id);}
  • Company Firmographics Enrichment – Uses the 6sense Company Firmographics API, which requires enrichment API credits. You can use this option concurrently with people enrichment but not with company ID.
  • People Enrichment – Uses the 6sense People Enrichment API, which requires enrichment API credits. You can use this option concurrently with company firmographics but not with company ID.

To configure the API connections:

  1. Expand the section for the API that you want to configure.
  2. Enter your Company Name.
  3. Enter your 6sense API Token.
  4. Click Authorize.
  5. (Optional) Toggle on Enable Limits and enter a limit in the Match Maximum field for the number of API requests that ODP can make. This limit is for the app's lifetime and does not automatically reset. You can edit this limit at any time.
  6. Click Save.

The app automatically adds the 6sense data fields to the ODP data schema for the APIs that you enabled. You can view them in Data Setup > Objects & Fields. Each field that is specific to this integration starts with 6sense, like 6sense company name. You can also view these 6sense customer details in ODP customer profiles, reports, and segmentation.

Monitor your API usage

After you configure the integrations and API connections, you can monitor the app's 6sense API usage:

  1. Go to the app Settings and expand the section for the API you want to monitor.
  2. Click Check Matches to display the number of API requests from the app.

The app's match count starts the moment you complete the app configuration and does not automatically reset. If you reach the request limit and want the app to continue making requests, you must manually reset the count by clicking Reset Counter in the app settings. This resets the request count to zero, and the app continues making API requests until you hit the Match Maximum again.

Sync data from ODP to 6sense

After configuring the app, you must set up an activation in ODP to sync your customer IP or email addresses from ODP to 6sense. This lets you specify the IP or email addresses you want to sync, giving you more control over how much this integration uses your 6sense API credits.

Syncing the company ID is a standalone option, and you cannot use it concurrently with the company firmographics and people enrichments.

Sync company ID

Syncing the company ID uses visitor IP addresses to identify the companies that visitors on your site belong to, including information like company size, revenue, and so on.

  1. Go to Activations > Overview > Create New Campaign > Behavioral > 6Sense Company ID Sync to set up an automated, recurring sync.
  2. Click to edit Touchpoint 1.
  3. Select Company ID API in Channel Configuration Settings. This uses the customer's IP address to sync their company information to their ODP customer profile. This is a standalone option, and you cannot use it concurrently with company firmographics and people enrichments.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Go Live when you are ready to turn on the data sync.

Sync company firmographics and people enrichment

Syncing the company firmographics and people data uses customer email addresses to enrich ODP customer profiles with additional company and people data from 6sense.

  1. Go to Activations > Overview > Create New Campaign.
  2. Click One-Time to sync your segments and data once. To set up an automated, recurring sync, click Behavioral.
  3. Click Create From Scratch.
  4. Enter a name for your activation that represents the data you are syncing to 6sense (for example, 6sense Company Enrichment).
  5. Select your desired segment and click Apply, or click Create New Segment, select your desired segment conditions, and click Save. This is where you can control exactly which email addresses you want to send to 6sense.
  6. (Optional) Adjust the Enrollment Rules.
  7. Expand Touchpoints.
  8. Click to edit Touchpoint 1 and select 6sense.
  9. Enable the type of customer data you want to sync from ODP to 6sense. You must configure the corresponding API in the 6sense app settings:
    • Enable Company Firmographics Enrichment – Uses the customer's email address to sync their company information to their ODP customer profile. This option is compatible only with People Enrichment.
    • Enable People Enrichment – Uses the customer's email address or other ID to sync additional data to their ODP customer profile. This option is compatible only with Company Firmographics Enrichment.
  10. Click Save and then click your activation name in the breadcrumb trail.
  11. Click Select start time and schedule in the Touchpoints section.
  12. For a recurring sync (behavioral campaign), complete the following settings, then click Apply:
    • Recurring or Continuous – Select Recurring.
    • Start Date – Enter the date you want to send the data to 6sense.
    • End – Defaults to Never. If you want to end the 6sense data sync on a specific date, set that here.
    • Repeats – Set to Daily.
    • Repeat Every – Set to 1 day.
    • Timing – Enter the time you want to send the data to 6sense.
    • Time Zone – Select the time zone in which you want to send this data.
  13. For a one-time sync (one-time campaign), complete the following settings, then click Apply:
    • Send Date – Enter the date you want to send the data to 6sense.
    • Send Time – Enter the time you want to send the data to 6sense.
    • Time Zone – Select the time zone in which you want to send this data.
  14. Click Save and then click Go Live. Your sync starts at your designated start date and time.

Use your 6sense data in ODP

One way you can use your 6sense data in ODP is to create real-time segments, and then target those segments with pop-up modals in your website.

For example, if you configured the company ID option for the integration and want to display a pop-up modal to customers in the software and technology industry:

  1. Go to Customers > Real-Time Segments in ODP.
  2. Click Create Real-Time Segment.
  3. Enter a name for the segment, like Sixsense Software and Tech Industry, then click Create Segment.
  4. Click Add Attribute Conditions and select 6sense company industry.
  5. Select Software and Technology in the value entry field.
  6. Click Save Segment.
  7. Go to Activations > Overview > Create New Campaign > Web > Email & Phone Collection Modal.
  8. Select the real-time segment you just created (Sixsense Software and Tech Industry) in the Enrollment section.
  9. Click to edit the form in the Touchpoints section. Configure the Targets, Triggers, Constraints, and modal as desired. Save all edits when done.
  10. Click Go Live when you are ready to start displaying the pop-up modal to customers.

Troubleshoot the data sync

To ensure data is syncing as expected between ODP and 6sense:

  1. Go to Settings > Event Inspector in ODP.
  2. Click Start Inspector. A number displays next to Refresh when data is available in the inspector.
  3. Click Refresh to view the data. The raw data that ODP and 6sense send back and forth displays.
  4. Click View Details to see the formatted version of that raw data. Data fields sent from 6sense back to ODP start with _sixsense.

Each data sync is also logged in the ODP activity log:

  1. Go to Settings > Activity Log.
  2. Filter the categories by sixsense.
  3. Click View Details for a formatted view of the log details, including the number of matches.