2024 Optimizely Web Experimentation release notes

  • Updated
  • Optimizely Web Experimentation

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  • Released event properties, which let you attach additional information to an event to all customers. See Custom events in Web Experimentation
  • Revamped the Extensions feature – Extensions is now Experience Templates (beta), which lets you streamline campaign and experiment creation and reduce code duplication. You can use the pre-built templates provided by Optimizely to quickly create a campaign or experiment with little to no development or build your own. See Get started with experience templates for information.
  • Released the following UX delights:
    • You can open the desktop app with Optimizely's updated logo from the web app and log in directly from the browser.
    • You can automatically upload custom code into a Web Experimentation project directly from your GitHub repository through an out-of-the-box GitHub Action integration.
    • Optimizely informs users in the UI if they have insufficient permissions to enable or edit an integration.
    • Optimizely informs users if they input an invalid character in the list attribute name in real time.
    • You can reference the snippet versions from the UI to help ensure you deploy the most updated snippet.


Released event properties to open beta. See Custom events.


  • Released Optimizely Reporting for Experimentation, providing you with dashboards and reports that show key metrics such as experiment velocity, conclusive rate, win rate, and uplift.
  • Updated the API Name text field in the New Custom Event page to automatically populate with the Name formatted in lowercase, replacing any non-alphanumeric characters with underscores. See Create a custom event.
  • Released Integrate Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Audiences for general availability. This lets you target experiments based on segments in GA4 without custom development, unlocking new targeting capabilities within Web Experimentation, such as demographics-based audience creation and predictive audience identification for potential purchases within a specified timeframe.
  • Released contextual multi-armed bandits to beta for personalization campaigns. Contextual multi-armed bandits (CMABs) help you deliver the most personalized variation to each user by dynamically re-allocating traffic based on the primary metric and user attributes. Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more.


Released event properties to beta. Event properties let you filter a created event in Optimizely’s UI based on additional information you have attached to it. When you send events, you can add information about the product or action performed to create a more specific metric when using the event in the experiment results. Contact your Customer Success Manager or sign up for the beta on Optimizely.com. See Custom events.




  • Updated the Optimizely Personalization UI by renaming Experiments to Optimizations and surfacing Personalization Campaigns, making it easier to create and manage campaigns.
  • Renamed and released Advanced Audience Targeting to Real-Time Segments for Web Experimentation. This lets you use Optimizely Data Platform (ODP) real-time segments to build your Web Experimentation audiences.
  • Released the ability to use cross-project events to track events from your Optimizely Feature Experimentation projects in your Optimizely Web Experimentation project. See Cross-project events.



  • Updated the Test URL(s) to save after leaving the page settings. This lets you revisit the settings to see the page conditions and the effects of adjustments to those conditions.
  • Added an ID column for Audiences and Extensions to retrieve the information faster.
  • Updated the HTML box to be collapsible in the Visual Editor.
