Create an experimentation roadmap

  • Updated
  • Optimizely Web Experimentation
  • Optimizely Personalization
  • Optimizely Performance Edge
  • Optimizely Feature Experimentation
  • Optimizely Full Stack (Legacy)
This article is part of The Optimization Methodology series.

Create a testing roadmap to determine which experiments and campaigns to run first and what impact to expect.

A full testing roadmap moves past a basic prioritization framework by including an implementation schedule and a breakdown of the experiment workflow. You can create this framework with a spreadsheet or project management tool.

A well-structured roadmap communicates your optimization program's intent, value, and timing.

Download the template for an experimentation roadmap: 

Use the roadmap to track:

  • What you are testing
    • Experiments to implement in prioritized order
    • A balanced testing schedule (UX theme, location, tactics, and goals)
  • When you are testing
    • Timeline for executing these tests
    • If any tests interfere with another or other planned campaigns, like sprint releases or promotional campaigns
  • Who is involved in testing
    • Workflow dependencies (resource allocation, reviews, approvals)
    • Available resources based on other company timelines and strategic campaigns
  • How your tests align with company-wide strategic objectives
    • Testing throughout the funnel or important user flows
    • Common strategic themes in line with KPIs

A roadmap can incorporate resource management, plan for dependencies, and accommodate business priorities. It may reveal opportunities to embed A/B testing and personalization into other initiatives to increase the visibility of your program. It can also help you coordinate optimization efforts with development sprints, marketing initiatives, campaign launches, and user research or focus groups.

Testing programs can have delays when other company initiatives take precedence. For example, if a scheduled code release is rolled back or the developer/UX resource you work with is unavailable, your program may be stalled. In your backlog, plan a few tests that can be launched with minimal effort like simple headline or messaging changes.