Field translations

  • Updated

Field translations in Optimizely Configured Commerce translate individual commerce objects fields, such as products, promotions, or categories. You can use the Translate icon or go to Field Translation. Changes in either location link back to the same database table.

Translations can be included as part of an integration job or managed manually.

Use the Translate icon

You can provide a translation wherever you see the Translate icon in the Admin Console, such as the Category Title:


Click the Translate icon. A window displays with fields for you to enter the translation for other languages.


Click Save when finished.

Use Field Translations

When updating a field translation using the Field Translation screen, note the actual text on the website that needs translation and then, within the Admin Console > Field Translation screen, search for that text. This is further explained in the steps below:

  1. Go to Admin Console > Administration > Field Translation.
  2. Select the Source type.


  3. Click the Edit icon beside the data you want to update. If you do not see the record, click More (...> Generate Records. You can toggle on Only Show Missing Translations. You can also change the Search filter to Original Text and search for the desired text.

    As multiple languages may exist, select the record with the desired language.

  4. Enter the translated text in the Translation field. Base Value is the original text.
  5. Click Save.

Delete empty translation records

You can delete empty translation records in the Admin Console as needed.

  1. Go to Admin Console > Administration > Field Translation.
  2. Click More (...) > Delete Empty Records.


A notification displays that the Delete Empty Translation Property Job has been scheduled.
