Optimizely Live Monitor displays real-time animations of traffic on a website, so you can analyze the traffic to adapt your response.
Optimizely Live Monitor has the following properties.
- Website structure – Click the circles to see how many visitors view a website page. Double-click a node (page) to see activity on the subpages.
- Highways – An arrow that shows how visitors choose to navigate your website and indicates how many visitors have chosen a particular route on the website. You can view the tracks for an entire site by viewing the global highway or narrowing your focus to a certain part of the website.
Real-time visitor information – When someone visits your website, Optimizely uses the visitor's IP address to assign a unique number in a rotating ball icon until the visitor is removed from the list of Online visitors and placed in the History section (default 5 minutes). You can view visitor details in the visitors information panel.
- Online – Shows the referral URL, pages visited, and host information of current visitors. For each active visitor, the current page displays. When a visitor is static on the website for 2 minutes (default), the visitor is removed from the list of active visitors to the History section (default 5 minutes).
- History – Shows the referral URL, pages visited, and host information of visitors that are no longer current. The historical data shows when the visitor ended his or her most recent activity, taken from the computer’s built-in time and date.
The following information is calculated and displayed in the lower right corner of the overview:
- Hits/hour – Number of clicks per hour to pages on the website.
- Clients/hour – Number of individual visitors per hour to the website.
View highways
A global highway displays the tracks navigated by visitors over a certain amount of time and displays the most frequently visited pages on the website. A to-or-from highway displays from which page a visitor came and to which page a visitor went.
- To view a global highway, click Global in the lower part of the Live Monitor screen. Click Off to hide the global highway.
- To view a to-or-from highway, click a page, click From Page to display where a visitor came, or click To Page to display where a visitor went. Click Off to hide the highways.
Set Live Monitor views
You can set the following options:
- Language – Select an available language in which content is monitored. The default is the first enabled language.
- Tree - Preloaded Levels – Select the level the content tree expands on the first load. The default is 3.
- Expand Visitors Panel – Select whether the visitors panel is expanded on the first load. The default is No.
- Theme – Select a visual theme for the user interface. The default is Flat Light.
- Animation – Select how to animate the visitors around a node. The default is Simple.
To reset the default values, click Reset Settings.
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