Self-Optimizing Block

  • Updated

Self-Optimizing Block is a multivariate testing add-on that randomly displays a block variant to visitors. You monitor the progress of the test. The variant that generates the most conversions is the one that appears most over time.

A/B testing provides a more functionally rich way of gauging site visitor reactions to content versions.

After you install the add-on, a self-optimizing block type is available when you create Blocks.

Create content for multivariate testing:

  1. Select New Block in the editorial interface.
  2. Select the Self-Optimizing Block type to create content for multivariate testing.
  3. Select a goal page for conversion, such as a confirmation page after posting a form.
  4. Add the block variants you want to include, preferably 2-4 variants with similar content.
  5. Publish the self-optimizing block.
  6. Drag the self-optimizing block you created to a landing page and publish it.

A self-optimizing block is indicated with a specific icon in edit view.

You cannot track external links. For example, a conversion is not registered if the conversion page has a shortcut link to an external Web page.

Analyze statistics

Statistics are counted only in live view and automatically show the most successful block over time. The Self-Optimizing Block renders the best performing block variant in edit view.

Exposures are the number of page views, and Conversions are the number of visitors reaching the goal page.

Self-Optimizing Block statistics page