Troubleshooting CSV and XML

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This topic describes how to troubleshoot common errors that can arise while working with the content interface paragraph.

CSV troubleshooting

Issue Possible cause Solution
Product data does not load or loads incorrectly Semicolons were not used as separators. Change the separating characters in your CSV file to semicolons.
Product data does not load or loads incorrectly Quotation marks in texts were not masked with an escape character and were erroneously interpreted as code. Mask quotation marks in texts with the escape character " (with an additional quotation mark for each quotation mark).
Product data was loaded incorrectly The CSV file is not encoded as UTF-8 without BOM. Encode the CSV file as UTF-8 without BOM or UTF-8.
Product data was loaded incorrectly One or more HTML layouts contain incorrect source text. Correct the source text. If you do not have advanced HTML and CSS skills, contact customer support.
Product data is not loading The CSV import is not (yet) performed. Contact customer support so that they can review the CSV import.
Product data is not loading The CSV file is saved in the wrong directory on the server. Transfer the CSV file to the directory you indicated when setting up the content interface.
Product data is not loading and a server error message appears. The CSV file path is incorrect. Contact customer support.
The content interface paragraph type is not available. The feature was not activated. Contact customer support.
Components of a product offer are not being shown. For example, a product image is not displayed. The source text of the HTML layout contains invalid code. For example, a tag is not closed. Contact customer support. If you have advanced HTML and CSS skills, correct the source text.
Links are not being tracked You entered the link into a standard text field. Enter the link in a link field. Links placed into a standard text field cannot be tracked.

XML troubleshooting

Issue Possible cause Solution
Product data is not loading The product ID is entered incorrectly. Enter the correct product ID.
Product data is not loading The saved XML file has a file extension. Remove the file extension.
Product data is not loading The corresponding product offer no longer exists on your webspace or server. Save the product offer again on your webspace or server.
Product data is not loading The product data is saved in the wrong directory on the server or webspace. Transfer the product data you are trying to load into the directory that you indicated when setting up the content interface.
Product data is not loading The product ID is not positioned at the end of the URL.    Change your system configuration so that the product ID is positioned at the end of the URL.



Some content is not loading. For example, the product image is missing. Error in the XML code you generated. Correct the XML code.
The content interface paragraph type is not available. The feature has not been activated for you. Contact customer support.
Components of a product offer are not being shown. For example, a product image is not displayed. The source text of the HTML layout contains invalid code. For example, a tag is not closed. Correct the source text. If you do not have advanced HTML and CSS skills, contact customer support.
Links are not being tracked You entered the link into a standard text field. Enter the link in a link field. Links placed into a standard text field cannot be tracked.