Work with email lists and templates

  • Updated

Optimizely Configured Commerce uses email templates to format emails sent by the system. Email lists connect to a email template, including the Subject and From information.

When certain events occur, such as a customer submitting an order, Configured Commerce retrieves all email lists connected to the event's email template. The email list provides the To, From, and Subject information. The email template provides the HTML for the body of the email. The following diagram shows the general workflow:

The Manage Subscribers tab is not relevant when working with the standard out-of-the-box email lists and templates. While updating or changing an email list, changing the email list's name causes the system to regenerate a new email list using the default values. For more information, see Create or Edit Email Templates.

Default email templates

Configured Commerce provides several default email templates. Some email templates require an email, while others do not. Certain events, like a submitting an order, do not require an email list because the systems generates the confirmation email instead. See create and edit email templates and HTML variables for more information.

Contact Us email

List Name Template Name
ContactUsTemplate ContactUsTemplate

A user receives the email after completing the form on the Contact Us page. The template includes the information provided in the contact form. The system sends emails using this template to the email addresses specified in the "Send Email To" field. The default email address is, if not changed.

Order Approval email

List Name Template Name
OrderApproval OrderApproval

Order Approvers receive this email when a customer submits an order for approval. The template includes information about the order, including products ordered, payment method, and customer billing and shipping contact information.

Order Confirmation email

List Name Template Name
OrderConfirmation OrderConfirmation

Billing and shipping customers receive this email after placing an order. The template includes information regarding the order, including products ordered, payment method, and customer billing and shipping contact information.

Request for RMA email

List Name Template Name
RequestRMA RequestRMA

Users who request the RMA receive this email, as well as the email address specified in the "RMA_DestinationEmail" application setting. The template includes information for the product the user would like to return, along with the order that contains the product.

Request for Quote email

List Name Template Name
RfqQuote RfqQuote

The system sends this email to either the user who requested the quote or the salesperson responsible for proposing a quote, depending on the quote's current status. The template includes information like quote status (such as Requested, Proposed, or Rejected) and the product being quoted.

See Request for Quote notifications and messaging examples for more information.

Shipment Confirmation email

List Name Template Name
ShipmentConfirmation ShipmentConfirmation

The system sends the email to the user who placed order, Billing and Shipping customers associated with the order, salesperson associated with the order, and the email address specified in the Customer Service Email Address application setting once a portion of a shipment package has shipped. The template includes order and shipping information, such as the quantity of product that has been shipped. However, an email is only sent after the "Send Shipment Confirmations" integration job completes.

Integration Job Status Report email

List Name Template Name

The email addresses listed in the Notification Email List for the associated integration job receive this email after the Job Status Report completes. The template includes status information about any integration jobs started within a certain time period and the status of each. A common use case for this email is to create a recurring integration job to help make job failures and successes more visible. This automatically sends the Status Report email on a specified schedule.

Tell a Friend about a Product email

List Name Template Name
No Associated List TellAFriend

The email address specified in the sharing product form receives this email once a user shares it. The template includes information about the product that was shared and a link to the Product Detail page. 


List Name Template Name
No Associated List PunchOut_FailedOrderRequest

The email addresses specified in the Punchout_FailedOrderEmail application setting receives this email if a Punch Out order request fails to be processed by Configured Commerce. The template includes order information and the error message generated during the order processing. The system does not send an email if this setting is blank.

Notification of New Admin User Account

List Name Template Name
Admin_AccountActivation Admin_AccountActivation

A new user receives an activation email for the newly created Admin Console user account. The template includes a link that activates the new account.

Notification of New Website/Website User Account

List Name Template Name
Website_AccountActivation Website_AccountActivation

An administrator can send an activation email to a newly created Website user account. The template includes a link that activates the new account.

Notification of a Reset Admin Account Password

List Name Template Name
Admin_ResetPassword Admin_ResetPassword

The Admin user who needs to reset their password receives this email with a link to reset the password.

Notification of a Reset Website/Website Account Password

List Name Template Name
Website_ResetPassword Website_ResetPassword

 The website user who needs to reset their password receives this email with a link to reset the password.

Share an Invoice with Another User email

List Name Template Name
ShareInvoice ShareInvoice

A website user can share an invoice with another user, which triggers this email template. The template includes a link to the invoice and a message from the user who shared the invoice. 

Add a missing email template

Because this task involves searching the Configured Commerce source code, you may need to work with a developer.

Configured Commerce does not create an email template in the Admin Console until it needs to be used to send an email. If you need to add an email template before the application automatically creates it, use the following steps:

  1. Create an email template in the Admin Console. For Name, use one of the names above, such as TellAFriend. The application looks for this name when it searches for an email template.
  2. Find the appropriate email template in the source code in the directory ~/B2B Commerce.Web/Views/DefaultEmails/. Each template is a .cshtml file and is named using the headings above.
  3. Copy the content from the email template file.
  4. Paste the content into the appropriate email template revision in the Admin Console.
  5. Adjust the email template as necessary.

The application uses the email template you created the next time it needs to send the associated email.

Troubleshooting tips


The Account Activation, Reset Password, Username Changed, and Shipment Confirmation templates contain a company logo. If this logo does not appear in these templates, go to Websites > Edit and populate Print & Email Logo Image with the appropriate logo. Each website may have a unique logo.


Since the template uses plain HTML, you can view it using a web browser to eliminate any HTML parsing or rendering problems.