Configured Commerce provides a variety of HTML variables for creating custom email templates. All template variables are prefaced with Model. Additionally, all fields that end with "Display" are strings formatted to the current currency/numeric format.
Email templates use the DotLiquid syntax and should use the following format:
- [[Model.FirstName]]
Template Variables
Abandoned Cart
- ProductNumber
- ProductName
- QtyOrdered
- QuoteRequired
- UnitNetPrice
- UnitNetPriceDisplay
- Uom
- ImagePath
- OrderLines – list of objects of this format
- UnsubscribeUrl
- UnsubscribeLabel
- CartUrl
- NotIncludedProductsCount
- WebsiteName
- UserLastName
- UserFirstName
- LogoImagePath
- LogoImagePath
- ContentBaseUrl
- ActivationUrlExpirationInDays
- ActivationUrl
- LastName
- FirstName
- DisplayName
- UserName
Change your account activation email templates from "Hello [[Model.UserName]]" to "Hello [[Model.DisplayName]]" if you want to continue including the user's First and Last Name. The user's actual UserName will appear if the First and Last Name fields are empty.
- LogoImagePath
- PasswordResetUrlExpirationInDays
- PasswordResetUrl
- UserName
- UserFirstName
- ContentBaseUrl
- Message
- Topic
- LastName
- FirstName
ForgotPassword (obsolete)
This is replaced with a feature that lets users reset their own passwords. The email templates used in the reset password process are Admin_ResetPassword and Website_ResetPassword email templates for the Admin Console and storefront, respectively.
- LogoImagePath
- ListUrl – the list invitation url; specific to the recipient
- DisplayName
- Message
- ListName
- ListUrl
- Message
- WebsiteName
- ListName
- LogoImagePath
- Subject
- ErpOrderNumber
- OrderDate
- CustomerPO
- Carrier
- Service
- Status
- BTDisplayName
- BTCompany
- BTAddress1
- BTAddress2
- BTCity
- BTState
- BTPostalCode
- BTCountry
- BTPhone1
- BTEmail
- STDisplayName
- STCompany
- STAddress1
- STAddress2
- STCity
- STState
- STPostalCode
- STCountry
- STPhone1
- STEmail
- OrderSubTotalDisplay
- FullShippingChargeDisplay
- TotalTaxDisplay
- OrderGrandTotalDisplay
- Notes
- ProductNumber
- Description
- QtyOrdered
- QtyOrderedDisplay
- UnitNetPrice
- UnitNetPriceDisplay
- ExtendedUnitNetPrice
- ExtendedUnitNetPriceDisplay
- BrandName
- OrderLines – list of objects of this format
- GiftCardTotalDisplay
- GiftCardTotal
- OrderGrandTotalDisplay
- OrderGrandTotal
- OrderSubTotalDisplay
- OrderSubTotal
- TaxCode
- TaxDescription
- TaxRate
- TaxAmount
- TaxAmountDisplay
- SortOrder
- CustomerOrderTaxes – list of objects of this format
- TotalTaxDisplay
- TotalTax
- StateTaxDisplay
- StateTax
- LocalTaxDisplay
- LocalTax
- HandlingDisplay
- Handling
- FullShippingChargeDisplay
- FullShippingCharge
- PromotionShippingDiscountTotalDisplay
- PromotionShippingDiscountTotal
- PromotionOrderDiscountTotalDisplay
- PromotionOrderDiscountTotal
- PromotionProductDiscountTotalDisplay
- PromotionProductDiscountTotal
- RequestedPickupDate
- RequestedDeliveryDate
- Notes
- ShipMethod
- STPhone1
- STEmail
- STCompany
- STCountry
- STPostalCode
- STZip
- STState
- STCity
- STAddress2
- STAddress1
- STDisplayName
- BTPhone1
- BTEmail
- BTCompany
- BTCountry
- BTPostalCode
- BTZip
- BTState
- BTCity
- BTAddress2
- BTAddress1
- BTDisplayName
- EnableBrands
- IsAnyProductWithBrand
- FulfillmentMethod
- CheckingStatusUrl
- CreditCardWillBeCharged
- CustomerPO
- OrderDate
- ErpOrderNumber
- OrderNumber
- CCState
- CCCountry
- CCPostalCode
- CCCity
- CCAddress1
- IsCreditCard
- UserFirstName
- UserLastName
- UserName
- Message – hardcoded message describing the error
- BillToName
- OrderId
- RequestDate
- obsolete
- Name
- ShortDescription
- QtyOrdered
- RMAQtyRequested
- RMAReturnReason
- OrderLines – list of objects
- Address – full address with newline characters
- BTCountry
- BTPostalCode
- BTState
- BTCity
- BTAddress2
- BTAddress1
- BTEmail
- BTDisplayName
- Notes
- PONumber
- OrderDate – short date string
- OrderNumber
- Description
- Qty
- Uom
- Notes
- ImagePath
- RequiresQuote
- UnitNetPrice
- UnitNetPriceDisplay
- ExtendedUnitNetPrice
- ExtendedUnitNetPriceDisplay
- ItemNumber
- ProductUrl
- UnitRegularBreakPrices - list of Dictionary<string, object>, where the keys are the properties found in BreakPriceDto
- MaxQty
- OrderLines – list of objects of this format
- ProductName
- QuoteUrl
- ShowPricing
- Headline
- OrderStatus
- Sales Rep:
- User:
- Customer:
- Quote Number:
- Date Submitted:
- Customer Notes:
- EmailHeaderFields – Dictionary<string,string> with these keys:
- Sales Rep:
- User:
- Customer:
- Quote Number:
- Date Submitted:
- Customer Notes:
- LogoImagePath
- ListUrl
- DisplayName
- Message
- ListName
- FullName
- WebsiteUrl
- Message
- Subject
- EmailFrom
- EmailTo
- ListUrl
- DisplayName
- Message
- ListName
- FullName
- WebsiteUrl
- Message
- Subject
- EmailFrom
- EmailTo
- PackageCount
- ShipmentPackagesCount
- ErpNumber
- Description
- QtyOrdered
- QtyShipped
- UnitOfMeasure
- ShipmentPackages -list of ShipmentPackage objects ShipmentPackageLines - list of Dictionary<string, object>, where the keys are:
- LogoImagePath
- ShipCode
- GrandTotal - string
- OrderTotal - string
- MerchandiseTotal - formatted currency string
- ShippingAndHandling
- Shipping - formatted currency string
- Handling - formatted currency string
- TotalTax - formatted currency string
- StateTax - formatted currency string
- LocalTax - formatted currency string
- ShippingAddress
- ShippingName
- BillingAddress
- BillingName
- OrderDate
- OrderNumber
- OrderNotes
- OrderTerms
- ShipmentDate - short date string
- OrderLink
- OrderedByFax
- OrderedByPhone
- OrderedByEmail
- OrderedByName
- PONumber
- TrackingItems – list of tracking html anchor tags
- OrdersProcessed
- AbandonedCarts
- Statuses – list of IntegrationJobStatus (not including Queued)
- PercentSuccess
- LookBackDate
- Environment
- ClientName
- BatchJobsGroupByStatus – grouped collection of IntegrationJob; not real-time only
- RealTimeJobsGroupByStatus – grouped collection of IntegrationJob; real-time only
- BatchJobsGroupByName – grouped collection of IntegrationJob; not real-time only
- RealTimeJobsGroupByName – grouped collection of IntegrationJob; real-time only
- RealTimeJobsAny – boolean
- BatchJobsAny – boolean
- LogoImagePath
- ContentBaseUrl
- ActivationUrlExpirationInDays
- ActivationUrl
- LastName
- FirstName
- DisplayName
- UserName
Change your account activation email templates from "Hello [[Model.UserName]]" to "Hello [[Model.DisplayName]]" if you want to continue including the user's First and Last Name. The user's actual UserName will appear if the First and Last Name fields are empty.
- LogoImagePath
- PasswordResetUrlExpirationInDays
- PasswordResetUrl
- UserName
- UserFirstName
- ContentBaseUrl
- ProductImage – product image url
- WebsiteUrl
- WebsiteName
- ProductUrl
- AltText
- ProductShortDescription
- UsersMessage
- UsersEmail – your email
- UsersName – your name
- FriendsEmail
- FriendsName
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