In roadmap communications, Order Management is referred to as the CSR Portal.
This topic describes how to work with purchase orders on the Order Management page.
After a customer checks out and submits payment, the cart is converted to a purchase order. If needed, you can manually convert a cart to a purchase order from Cart Details. You can also create a new purchase order.
While the purchase order's status is In Progress, you can edit its information (shipping address or method, line items, discounts, and so on) on the Form Details tab.
You can add notes associated with an order on the Notes tab, where you can access details like description and note creator.
Filter orders
You can filter orders by No. (order number), Created Date, Name, Market, Customer Name, Customer Email or Status.
Filter by order number, name, or email
You can search for orders by customer name (partial match) or email address (exact match; searching for will not work). Begin entering the customer's first name or exact email address and results dynamically update as you refine your search.
Use % to search for any consecutive string of letters or numbers. The following example shows that %tay filters users to Mercy Taylor and Taylor Hayes.
If an order is anonymous with no name attached and you do not have the order number, you can search these orders by Customer Name or Customer Email Address.
Filter by Created Date
You can also filter results on the Order Management page by using the Created On filter. Pick a Start Date and End Date, or select one of the preset options. Click Apply to see the results with your filter.
You can filter by order status, shown in the following image.
You can filter by selecting one or more markets, shown in the following image.
Convert a cart to a purchase order
Typically, a shopping cart is converted to a purchase order when a customer proceeds to checkout and finalizes the purchase. However, you may need to manually complete a purchase by converting a shopping cart into an order for further processing. For example, you may want to record manual payments towards outstanding balances, such as telephone payments.
Click Convert to Purchase Order on the Cart Details page to convert a cart to a purchase order.
Create an order
You can create an order when, for example, a customer calls on the phone and orders some items. To create a new purchase order in Optimizely Commerce Connect, do the following:
- From the Order Management page, click Orders > Create New Order.
- Select the Market.
- Enter the customer's name or click New Customer.
- To find an existing customer, enter any part of the customer name or email address. A list of matching customer names displays. Select the customer.
- To enter a new customer, click New Customer. The Create Contact dialog displays.
- To find an existing customer, enter any part of the customer name or email address. A list of matching customer names displays. Select the customer.
- Click Create New Order.
- Click the options menu (...) to the right of shipment 1 and select Edit.
- Enter the order's shipping address and shipping method and click Save.
If you want to add a separate shipping address to this order, see Add a shipping address to an order.
- Click Add line items.
- In the Product Variant field, enter a search phrase of three or more characters. Examples:
- The entire SKU, for example, SKU-40707827.
- All or part of the item name or description, for example, dress. Search results displays. Select the line item you want to add. Click More Details next to a line item to view the respective product page on your e-commerce website (which opens in a new tab).
- Enter a Quantity and Placed Price. The default placed price displays, and you can change it.
- In the Product Variant field, enter a search phrase of three or more characters. Examples:
- Click Add Line Item.
- After adding at least one item, click Create Order.
Although the order is created, it must be paid before it can be released.
Add a payment method
- From the Order Management page, click Orders.
- Select the order you want to edit.
- Open the Form Details tab, scroll to the bottom of the form and click Add Payment.
- Select the appropriate payment method from the list of payment methods available for your site. Available payment methods are site-specific.
- Click Save.
Place an order on hold
When a shopping cart is converted to a purchase order, its status is set to In Progress. You may need to place the order on hold for several reasons, such as the retailer needs to verify the order, a suspicious order needs attention, inventory is not available, and so on. Go to Order Management > Order Details and click Hold. While an order is on hold, it cannot be released for shipment nor can it be canceled. Click Release OnHold to release the order.
Cancel an order
To cancel an In Progress purchase order, go to Order Management > Order Details and click Cancel Order. The order and shipment statuses change to Canceled.
Delete an order
If needed, you can delete one or more carts on the Order Management page.
- Select the checkbox for the order to delete. If you have multiple pages, you can continue selecting orders on each page.
- Click Delete.
- Click Delete Order to confirm that you wish to delete the selected orders.
Repeat an order
You can repeat past orders basing the new order on the information available in a previous order.
Go to Order Management > Order Details and click Reorder. A new draft order is created with the same address, shipping method, and line item information. Update the information if needed and click Create Order.
- If items are not available anymore, you are notified in the order summary.
- If the base order has coupon code, the new draft order also applies the coupon discount. (Ensure that the coupon has not expired.)
Adjust an order's shipment status
- Order is paid in full or pre-ordered (if supported)
- If the quantity of any item in an order exceeds the available Instock Quantity, its shipment status is set to Awaiting Inventory.
- If the quantity of items in an order is less than the available Instock Quantity, its shipment status is set to Inventory Assigned.
- Order is paid and ready for shipping
- Click the Form Details tab and select Release from the option menu (...), then confirm it.
- Change the shipment status to Packing by clicking Add to Picklist.
- Click the Form Details tab and select Release from the option menu (...), then confirm it.
- When the shipment is shipped, change the shipment status to Shipped by clicking Complete.
Add a new shipping address to an order
To add a new shipping address to an order without editing an existing address or adding a new address to the customer's address book, do the following:
- From the Order Management page, click Orders and select an order. The Order Details page displays.
- Open the Form Details tab.
- Click the context menu to the right of shipment 1 and click Edit.
- Click Add Address.
- Enter the address information.
- If you want to add the new shipping address to the customer's address book to use it for further orders, select the Add to customer's address book check box.
- Click Save > Close.
Changing the customer address does not affect the order's shipping address.
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