Returns and exchanges

  • Updated

In roadmap communications, Order Management is referred to as the CSR Portal.

This topic describes how to view, process, and cancel order returns on the Order Management page, and how to process exchange orders.

View order returns

To view returns on the Order Management page, click Orders > select a Completed purchase order > Return & Exchange. Returns made against the order display. Click a return then View on the context menu to see its details.


Process an order return and refund

Prerequisite: The item's shipment status is shipped.

To return one or more order items:

  1. Select Orders from the Order Management page.
  2. Select the order whose items you want to return.
  3. Open the Form Details tab.
  4. Select the items you want to return.


    You can also click the item's context menu then Create Return.
  5. Click Create Return. A window displays, prompting you to choose a Return Quantity, Return Reason, and optional text comment for each item.


  6. Click Create. A new page displays with the return information.
  7. If everything is correct, click Acknowledge Receipt Items.


  8. Click Complete Return. The Create Refund page displays.
  9. Verify that the refund amount is correct, select a payment method and click OK. If necessary, you can adjust the refund amount but it cannot exceed the original charge.


Cancel an order return

  1. Select Orders from the Order Management page.
  2. Select the order whose returned items you want to cancel.
  3. Open the Return & Exchange tab.
  4. Select the order whose return you want to cancel. To view the items being returned, open the option menu (...) and choose View.
  5. Click Cancel Return.

Process an exchange order

You can create an exchange order if a customer wants to receive the same item or a different item as full or partial compensation for a return. For example, a customer returns a jacket worth $50 because it has a broken zipper. He wants to exchange it for another version of the same jacket. Or, a customer returns a jacket worth $50. He wants to exchange it for a shirt worth $25 and a refund of $25.

  • If the amount of the exchanged items is less than the original order, the customer receives a refund using the original order's payment method.
  • If the amount of the exchanged items is greater than the original order, the customer is charged the additional amount using the original order's payment method.

The Order Management page calculates the refund amount (if any). If the CSR changes the refund amount, a warning displays but the CSR is allowed to complete the transaction.

Create an exchange order

The status of a new exchange order is Awaiting Exchange. When you complete the return, the status changes to In Progress. There are two procedures for creating an exchange order.

  • Use Scenario 1 if you have already received the returned items.
  • Use the Scenario 2 if you have not yet received the returns.

Create an exchange order if you received the returned items


  1. Select a Completed order and click the Form Details tab.
  2. Under Line Items, select items that you want to exchange.
  3. Click Create Return.
  4. Select the Return Quantity if necessary.
  5. Submit a Return Reason and an optional comment.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Click Acknowledge Receipt Items.
  8. Click Create Exchange. The Prepare Order page displays.
  9. Under Shipments, select the shipment and choose Edit from the context menu.
  10. Enter the customer's shipping address and shipping method then click Save.
  11. Click Add Line Items.
  12. Add the items, quantity, and price that the customer will receive as an exchange for the returned items.
  13. Click Add Line Item.
  14. Click Create Order. An exchange order is created. Its number begins with an EO.
  15. Click Go to original order.
  16. Click the Return & Exchange tab.
  17. Select the return order and click View on the context menu.
  18. Click Complete Return.
  19. If necessary, modify the refund amount.

    Image: Create Refund

  20. Click OK.

Create an exchange order if you have not yet received the returned items

Exchange Scenario 2

  1. Select a Completed order and click the Form Details tab.
  2. Under Line Items, select items that you want to exchange.
  3. Click Create Return.
  4. Select the Return Quantity if necessary.
  5. Submit a Return Reason and an optional comment.
  6. Click Create. The Return Details page displays.
  7. Click Create Exchange.
  8. On the Prepare Order page, under Shipments, select the shipment and choose Edit from the context menu.
  9. Enter the customer's shipping address and shipping method then click Save.
  10. Click Add Line Items.
  11. Add the items, quantity, and price that the customer will receive as an exchange for the returned items.
  12. Click Add Line Item.
  13. Click Create Order. An exchange order is created. Its number begins with an EO.
  14. When you receive the returned items, open the original order.
  15. Click the Return & Exchange tab.
  16. Select the return order.
  17. Click Acknowledge Receipt Items.
  18. On the Order Details page, select the return order and click View from the context menu.
  19. Click Complete Return.
  20. If necessary, modify the refund amount.

    Image: Create Refund

  21. Click OK.

View an exchange order

  1. From the Order Management page, click Orders and select the original order.
  2. Click the Return & Exchange tab.
  3. Select the returned item.
  4. Select View from the option menu (...).


  5. Click View Exchange. On the Summary tab, in the top left, the exchange order number displays in the Order Number field.

View an exchange order's parent order

  1. From the Order Management page, click Orders and select the exchange order. The Order Details page displays.
  2. Click Go to original order.

    Image: Go to original order