Lists and folders

  • Updated

In many areas of Optimizely Campaign, information is displayed in lists and organized in folders, such as mailings in Smart Campaigns.

You need permission to display all records of a recipient list, response list or blocklist; otherwise, only the first 60 records appear.

Image: Lists

All lists in Optimizely Campaign work in the same way. A status bar at the bottom shows the number of elements on the page, the number of selected elements, and your current list position (for example, Page 2 of 10).

By default, each page displays up to 20 elements, although this is adjustable. If a list has more than 20 elements, display other pages by clicking Next (>) and Previous (<) in the status bar.

Customizing the list view

  • Change column width. Drag the separator between columns to change column width.
  • Show and hide columns. Click the down arrow Optimizely image in the upper right corner to determine which columns appear.
  • Arrange columns. Click a column header and drag the column to the desired position.
  • Sort elements. Click a column header to change its sorting from ascending to descending order. Text fields are sorted alphabetically; numeric fields by value, date fields by date.

    If multiple selection is possible in a list and at least one element is selected, you can click Sort by selection  to sort the selected elements to the top of the list .

Exporting records

To export records from a list to a CSV file, click Download Optimizely image in the status bar and select the destination folder.

To export recipients, responses, or blocklists, you need appropriate permission.

Opening CSV files with Microsoft Excel

Optimizely Campaign creates CSV files in UTF-8 without BOM. Microsoft Excel incorrectly interprets the format as ISO-88591.

To correctly open a CSV file in Excel, follow these steps.

  1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Select Get Data > From File > From Text/CSV.
  4. Select the file downloaded in Export records and click Import.
  5. Set the File Origin to Unicode (UTF-8) and select Semicolon as Delimiter.
  6. Click Load.

Updating lists

If several people are making changes to Optimizely Campaign, you can update any list by clicking the Refresh button on the status bar.

Modifying elements

If you select an element, it is highlighted, indicating that you can edit or delete it.

  • Select multiple elements. You can select multiple list elements if a check box appears next to each item and in the header.
  • Add element. Many lists have a button to add elements, for example Create recipient. Click this button to create a new row. Click a field to enter data. Click Submit when finished. Each new data record is automatically sorted into its correct position.
  • Edit element. Double click a row to edit it. Click Submit to save changes.
  • Delete element. Click Delete element to do that.

Printing lists

To print a list, click the printer icon in the status bar.

To print recipients, responses, or blocklists, you need appropriate permission.

Using folders

In some parts of Optimizely Campaign, such as Smart Campaigns and target groups, a tree hierarchy appears to the left of a main list. The additional hierarchy lets you organize elements into folders.

Image: Folders

Drag or double click the separator bar between the two screen areas to show or hide the folders. If you hide them, the main list occupies the width of the screen.

Initially, the folder area contains only the All folder, a meta folder showing existing elements. You cannot delete the All folder.

Each folder displays the number of elements in it; the number does not include subfolder elements.

  • Create new folder. Click Add  Optimizely image, enter a folder name, and click Submit Optimizely image.
  • Delete folder. Select the folder and click Delete Optimizely image.
  • Rename folder. Select the folder and click Rename Optimizely image.
  • Move folder. Select a folder and drag it to the folder to which you want to move it.
  • Move one or more list elements to a folder. Select an element, click Move selection Optimizely image and click the folder to which you want to move it.