A workflow lets you set up processes that meet your team's specific collaboration, approval, and publishing requirements for types of tasks, content formats, and other use cases. Custom workflows are for teams with more complex content collaboration requirements (such as working with an editorial team or an agency that may require a mandatory approval step before publishing content).
Workflows are accessible only to account administrators. If you need to be an administrator, contact another administrator (or email support@optimizely.com).
Create and edit a workflow
- Go to your avatar > Workflows.
- Click More (...) > Edit to edit existing workflows.
- Click Create Workflow to add a workflow. The workflow configuration window displays.
Enter a title for the workflow. You can add a description.
Toggle on Smart duration to automatically adjust multiple due dates in subsequent steps if a user completes a step ahead of or later than its due date. It also adjusts the task due dates if the previous step was completed or skipped on a different date than its assigned date. Activating smart duration for an existing workflow only impacts tasks that you create with that workflow.
Toggle on Asset approval with brand compliance to ensure that the assets you upload comply with the brand guidelines you import. See Compliance checker overview for information.
Toggle on Resource management to view tasks created with this workflow in Resources. See Resources for information.
Add steps and apply actions
- Click Add Step to add a step to your workflow.
- Enter a title for the step.
- Steps are unassigned by default. However, if you have a predetermined user or team for a step in the workflow, you can click Add assignee.
- Click More (...) to reveal more options.
- Click Insert step if you want to add a step in between two steps.
- Click Convert to External Step to integrate external systems with the workflow.
- Click Delete to delete the step.
- Expand a step by clicking on it to enter optional details.
- Add a Description for the step.
- (Optional) Add a number of Days for the Duration of the step. Step duration lets you automatically set due dates for the tasks you or your teammates create with this workflow, which CMP applies during task creation. Step duration is optional, but if you set one, you must set a duration for each step in the workflow.
- (Optional) Specify the exact number of Days and Hours you estimate the step needs to be completed. You can select the Time Tracking checkbox. This lets you track the amount of time you spend on a workflow step in a task.
- Select the Save assets to the Library on step completion checkbox to save any content you add to the task to the library. See Content workspace for information on how to select assets to push to the library from within a task.
- Toggle on Select actions for this step to select one or more of the following workflow actions to apply to a step:
Action name
Find Content
It gives the assignee access to search the library (and marketplace) for content.
No dependency
Write or Edit Content
The assignee can access the Content Editor to write or edit content.
No dependency
Write or Edit Share
The assignee can write or edit in the social share widgets.
No dependency
Set Publish Destination
The assignee can set a Publish Destination (including Feeds, Social Channels).
No dependency
Set Publish Date
The assignee can alter the Publish Date. (Note: If the date is left unaltered, it is published when the task is completed.)
Must be preceded by:
- Set Publish Destination
Select Image
The assignee can search the library (or marketplace) for content.
Must be preceded by:
- Find Content
Publish or Share
The assignee can publish the content or share it on social media.
Must be preceded by:
- Set Publish Destination
- Set Publish Date
The assignee can approve the article.
Must be preceded by any of the following:
- Find Content
- Write or Edit Content
- Write or Edit Share
Edit Fields
The assignee can change fields.
No dependency
- Click Add Sub-Step to add multiple sub-steps for users or teams, and complete in any order when the parent step is the current step.
Add fields
You can add a field to a workflow to make the specific field visible on the Fields tab in a task that uses this workflow. You can select multiple fields to apply to your workflow and click Add. Drag and drop the fields into your desired order.
Mandatory fields ensure your team tags every task at the right time during the task lifecycle. Click More (...) and toggle on Mandatory to apply mandatory fields. Label fields offer an additional option when you select Mandatory. You can make labels mandatory At Task Creation or At Task Completion. See Add fields to steps in a workflow for information.
Add content
Click Select Content Types to search for and select the content types you want to add to the workflow.
From the Library tab, decide if you want to save modified existing assets as a New Asset or a New Version in the library. You can also select the Automatically push all related related assets to library when task is completed and Add assets to library without Public URL checkboxes. See Steps and Content workspace for information on different ways to do this.
Set up publishing channels
Click Add Channel and Block Channel to search for and select channels. When you use a workflow, the publishing channels you add automatically populate in the corresponding task. The channels you select from Block Channel do not display as options when you publish.
After you configure your workflow, click Save.
Delete a workflow
- Go to your avatar > Workflows.
- Click More (...) for the workflow and click Delete.
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