Flexible workflows and editors handle marketing content and let you produce the content assets that campaigns depend on. The content workspace lets you upload, comment on, and version any file format that supports task completion (such as images, videos, presentations, PDFs) in a task so that you can create, collaborate, and approve various non-article content.
Upload assets to the content workspace
Click +Add Content in the Content tab of a task to create or upload assets to the content workspace and select the option you want.
Select From lets you upload content from Your Device or choose from the Library or Marketplace. Select Add URL to paste a link to a piece of content from a non-gated website. You can embed content from supported websites like Google Workspace, Figma, Canva, and Milanote. You can comment on and proof the website using Optimizely's proofing service for other URLs.
To generate your asset using AI, click Image or Text from Generate. For images, enter a description and select your Preferred Aspect Ratio, then click Create.
For text, there are several options:
- Blog Post – Enter a description in the About field, select whether the desired Sentiment is Neutral, Positive, or Negative, and determine if the Tone is Formal or Informal. You must include a Word Limit.
- Title – There is no word limit. Other input options remain the same.
- Outline – Enter a description, determine the Sentiment, and enter a Word Limit.
From Article, you can select Text Editor to create original content or select content from the Library or Marketplace.
Click More (...) in the text editor to view Article Info, access Site Preview, Share Preview Link, Save as new draft, and Help. Click Done when you finish making changes to the content.
You can track changes in your content, view different versions, and see comments on your content. Click More (...) to select from the following options:
- Preview the content.
- Add Feature Image – You can upload an image from your device, select one from the library or Marketplace, or generate an image.
- From More, you can Share preview URL, Generate HTML, Copy Tracking Pixel, and Show GUID.
- You can Delete the content.
- Check the Save to Library checkbox.
You can add more assets in the content workspace from Add content even after creating your article.
Field inheritance
When you add content to a task, the content inherits fields from the task by default and automatically reflects changes to the task fields on the content. However, if you do not want your content to inherit future changes made to task fields:
- Go to content and click More (...) for the content you want to change.
- Clear the Inherit field changes from task checkbox.
See also Fields and inheritance.
Select assets to push to the library
After completing a workflow step, you can push assets from the task's content to the library by toggling on Save to Library for that step. After you complete this step, a window displays to review the assets that will be saved in the library. You can Clear All selections or select only individual assets to push to the library.
You can also push assets to the library upon task completion.
Click Manage what goes to the Library, then select your desired items.
To manage the automatic pushing of assets to the library, see Manage workflows.
Preview assets in a workspace
Click an asset thumbnail to preview it. The following image shows a task with three assets: the MS-PowerPoint.pptx
asset is previewed.
Manage asset versions
From the asset (in this case MS-PowerPoint-asset.pptx
), open More (...) > Manage versions.
A Versions column displays where you can see all versions of this asset. Click + to upload a (draft) version of the asset from your computer.
If you want to compare asset versions or annotate and collaborate on asset versions, see Proofread assets.
Delete asset versions
To delete a specific version of the asset, select the version (such as Version 1), open More (...) > Delete Current Version.
You also can delete all versions of the assets (perhaps to start fresh) by selecting Delete All Versions.
Insert images from the workspace into an article
In the text editor, select Image Search > This Task. Then, select the image from the workspace you want to insert in the text editor.
Upload and preview email HTML, TXT, and image files
You can upload zip files to tasks, extract the zipped files, preview, and even edit HTML and TXT files with embedded images in Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) to help streamline the editing and approval process and offer a seamless workflow. Go to Content view, click Add content, and select Upload. Drag and drop files onto the Upload Content view.
You can upload a zip file containing HTML, text, and image files inside. Click Extract to unveil the files.
Often, zip files contain folders to organize the files contained in the zip. As the files are extracted to the Content Workspace, the contents of the folders are extracted, but the folders themselves are not extracted. The notification message says '"Files successfully extracted."
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